Train fever strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
Stop...Hey...Blow that Horn!
- Mike
Train fever strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
Stop...Hey...Blow that Horn!
- Mike
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Buffalo Springfield
Reference is real clever
Music Trivia
I just woke up just
a few minutes earlier
brain not on-line yet.
Buffalo Springfield
Reference is real clever
Music Trivia
Got the 45
Just heard it the other day,
For what it is worth..
WOW I got email!
Big surprise that I am fat
How could they have known?
And a bonus limerick
Willie on the Railroad Tracks
The engine gave a squeal
The engineer just took a spade
and scraped him off the wheel!
and non-railroad related (Poor Willie)
Willie fell down the elevator
He wasn't found 'til three days later
The neighbors took a sniff and said "Gee Wiz"
What a spoiled child, Willie is...
from out of the wild
and up from the deep
came Lady Godiva
riding a runaway Geep!
Love the limericks!! I've often thought about doing that one Wed., but decided it's too much work! (The haikus I can just roll out of bed and do.) Maybe now I'll be motivated.
I guess I could give it a shot....
There once was a hobbyist from Nantucket
Whose unit trains was so long...
nah I better not
While running a Rail King Dash 8
I accelerated out of a straight
But cars jumped the track
Alas and alack
I slowed down way, way too late
Better stick to haikus...
LuLu had a bicycle . .. .
ok- i'm game
lulu rode a bicycle
every Sunday to church
when she pedaled too hard
up went her skirt
when it came time to dismount
although she wasn't a flirt
all the men gathered round
too many to count
it's seat was made of glass . . .
ok-never to resist a challenge...
lulu's bicycle seat
was made out of glass
good for the gophers
but, hard on her a**
i best let it go at that i think
lulu may haunt my dreams if i go any further...
LuLu had a chicken . . .
although thoughts of Lulu
dance in my head
i best grab my Cab1
and run O trains instead
because girls who ride bicycles
on glass seats, so it's said
will leave a good man broken
and better off dead
borderline blue with the blues, maybe
maybe just bad- CYA!
The mid-week haiku
Flows easily from the brain.
Limericks are hard.
Bonus Limericks:
There was a model railroader named Dave
Who kept wind-up trains in his man-cave.
You have to admit
He'd get bored when they'd quit.
But think of the wattage he'd saved.
There was a garden railroader named Dan
Whose layout needed to expand.
Said the County Surveyor
You must pay your neighbor
Your railroad is now on her land.
There's some serious brain work on this thread.
Just when you thought creativity was dead.
When one throws them a curve.
They amp up the nerve.
And respond with great limericks instead.
Next week: Burma Shave
Stephen Stills lived here
Nearby in Manassas Park
Went to Osbourn High
The Haiku goes on
While the Limericks are spawned
This is so much fun
There was once a young boy named Lare
Who was playing with his trains on the stair
The casement broke, the poor little bloke
He found out gravity isn’t fair!
His trains were a terrible sight
With pieces strewn left and right
A warranty claim said he and dropped to his knee
While he was picking up pieces all night
So to the factory it was sent
And repaired by a kindly old gent
He saw through the ruse but the note did amuse
So he fixed everything that was bent
you guys are killing me...
a lass chose to be anonymous
who could outdrink a green hippopotomus
although nameless she remained
with her talent she became
o'er Eire, a Sheila most famous
and she married an O Gauger who drank more than she!
Geez, c'mon guys. Save SOMEthing for NEXT week!
Having said that....
There once was a lass named Taylor
Who filmed many MTH trailers
"The geezers" all drooled
Their libidos quite fooled
As though they were all drunken sailors
. . . she also had a duck . . .
"Limerickitus," it's a disease, Mike...and you seem to have caught it.
I thought it was Lime-rick Disease
A hobbysist who went by the name of Cab
Composed couplets exceedingly fab
Hi Dee Hi Dee Hi Dee Hi
Can you folks believe this guy
His offerings are anything but drab
and on it goes.....
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