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WOW I got email!

Big surprise that I am fat

How could they have known?


And a bonus limerick


Willie on the Railroad Tracks

The engine gave a squeal

The engineer just took a spade

and scraped him off the wheel!


and non-railroad related (Poor Willie)


Willie fell down the elevator

He wasn't found 'til three days later

The neighbors took a sniff and said "Gee Wiz"

What a spoiled child, Willie is...

Last edited by Gilly@N&W

The mid-week haiku

Flows easily from the brain.

Limericks are hard.


Bonus Limericks:


There was a model railroader named Dave

Who kept wind-up trains in his man-cave.

You have to admit

He'd get bored when they'd quit.

But think of the wattage he'd saved.


There was a garden railroader named Dan

Whose layout needed to expand.

Said the County Surveyor

You must pay your neighbor

Your railroad is now on her land.


There's some serious brain work on this thread.

Just when you thought creativity was dead.

When one throws them a curve.

They amp up the nerve.

And respond with great limericks instead.



Next week: Burma Shave

The Haiku goes on

While the Limericks are spawned

This is so much fun



There was once a young boy named Lare

Who was playing with his trains on the stair

The casement broke, the poor little bloke

He found out gravity isn’t fair!


His trains were a terrible sight

With pieces strewn left and right

A warranty claim said he and dropped to his knee

While he was picking up pieces all night


So to the factory it was sent

And repaired by a kindly old gent

He saw through the ruse but the note did amuse

So he fixed everything that was bent

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