Running trains all summer means it's time for the winter maintenance season...
A photo taken shortly before departing for the final day of running for the season on October 30th.
The following weekend I started my winter task of doing the maintenance on the whistles for our three operating locomotive. Usually this involves lapping the valves, doing a general cleanup and inspecting the pieces before putting them on the storage shelf for the winter.
The whistle for our 1873 Mason 0-6-4T Torch Lake following it's winter maintenance work. As far as we know, the bell and some of the other parts of the whistle are some of the few remaining pieces from it's original construction. We had to have a new whistle bowl cast last year due to excessive wear in the valve of the original piece.
A piece of the 5 chime whistle that goes on our smaller 4-4-0 was found to have a slightly out of shape hole, so it's shown here in the lathe while I true up the bore a bit.