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A new forum!  A new month!  I thought I'd start it all off with the same old photos.    I mean, why not?  Over the past week a Loram grinder was slowly crawling down the BNSF Marshall sub from Willmar, MN to Sioux City, IA.  It was sort of like a giant, smoking snail as it made its way along the tracks.  I could have chased it on a bicycle if I had wanted.  On Saturday night it was tied up for the weekend behind the elevators at Doon, IA.  It couldn't hide very well as all the lights were on.  I had to walk in through a corn field to get to it but that's OK.  I took a few shots of it in Holland, MN and also Doon, IA.  In the first shot you can see supervisor Wheeler in the cab, puttering around.  Well, the new upload sure is easy!



Kent in SD




Images (3)
  • LormHollnd4
  • LormDoon
  • LormWhl
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Ed: That boxcar logo is everywhere  except where I am. Haven't seen one yet.


Here are a few photos taken in Gaithersburg, MD of the rolling stock display. 

Photo 1: BC&G #14, a 2-8-0, recently underwent a heavy cosmetic restoration and looks VERY good compared to its condition in recent years. This photo can't describe just how good it looks. 

Photo 2: Recently arrived RDC restored at B&O Museum. The car will house displays and various things inside once interior restoration is complete and car opens to public in the spring. When I took this photo, the car literally arrived the day before by truck. 

Photo 3: The Gaithersburg Station and Freight House, which now houses the Gaithersburg Community Museum. Both are E. Francis Baldwin Products. 

Photo 4: PO30, The Capital Limited, makes is daily appearance. 






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  • DSCN0055
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Thank you for starting the forum this week, Kent!  


Here is just outside West Pittston, PA with the Susquehanna River flowing to the left and PA route 29 facing town.  Across the water stands the Blue Mountain, Reading & Northern RR yard in Pittston.  This was a thriving hub when coal was king, and the Lehigh Valley operated out of the then Coxton yard.

Parallel to the road is the former ROW of the West Pittston & Exeter RR. This line was owned by Pennsylvania Power & Light Co to bring coal to a power plant bout 1 1/2 miles up river.  Rails were pulled up about 10 years ago.


The LV isn't faring much better.  I am not sure when this bridge was put out of commission, but obviously no train can cross at this point now.

Here is one reason why.  Actually, this damage was caused by Hurricane Leigh flooding last year.  The bridge and tracks were out of service for a while.  One more flood, and the bridge will likely become a dam.

Kent, I really like the Loram Grinder wheel shot in your photo post here.


It's a darn shame there is never enough money to restore those NYC engines, at least cosmetically. Image the history, in particular that third one!


I upgraded to internet explorer's latest version, the new forum is lookin' good!


Ed Mullan

Last edited by Ed Mullan

Kent - did you catch the fact you can check a box to allow your images to show full size when posting?

Look for: "Π Insert all photos and videos into post body (large size)"
Lackawanna Term Night RF


The newly restored ferry slips of the former Erie Lackawanna Terminal as seen December 10th, 2011 in Hoboken, NJ.

Regarding those links to other photos - it's sure easier and more convenient to have them displayed as photos rather then links.  Right click over image at site where posted and click "Copy image location".  Then, paste in the proper field after clicking the green monitor looking icon above (next to Bold, Indent, smileys, ect.,). vrs:

New Hope and Ivyland flash photography


New Hope and Ivyland #40 at Reeder Road just outside of New Hope, PA during the Holidays at the close of 2011.  (Dec 28, 2011)


PS - Anyone else initially getting excited seeing photos and then looking up and seeing "8 hours ago"?  Dates and captions go a long way!




Images (1)
  • Lackawanna Term Night RF: Erie Lackawanna Ferry Slip
Last edited by Zephyr
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