A new forum! A new month! I thought I'd start it all off with the same old photos. I mean, why not? Over the past week a Loram grinder was slowly crawling down the BNSF Marshall sub from Willmar, MN to Sioux City, IA. It was sort of like a giant, smoking snail as it made its way along the tracks. I could have chased it on a bicycle if I had wanted. On Saturday night it was tied up for the weekend behind the elevators at Doon, IA. It couldn't hide very well as all the lights were on. I had to walk in through a corn field to get to it but that's OK. I took a few shots of it in Holland, MN and also Doon, IA. In the first shot you can see supervisor Wheeler in the cab, puttering around. Well, the new upload sure is easy!
Kent in SD