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Hi Guys ,

                 Anyone know if Erik is finally updating his web-site ?  I go there everyday and now see a '' 403 Forbidden '' message . I had contact with him not too long ago and he said things would get going again . Just wonder if any other guys with orders/ deposits heard anything ?



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@Bryan D. posted:

Hi Guys ,

                 Anyone know if Erik is finally updating his web-site ?  I go there everyday and now see a '' 403 Forbidden '' message . I had contact with him not too long ago and he said things would get going again . Just wonder if any other guys with orders/ deposits heard anything ?




I had a e-mail to him 2 months ago and he was talking about updating his site and new pictures, I ordered two diesels and two cars hope to have it some day.


Last edited by ED3945

I had to go back and look.  Stephen's original "Midwestern Modelworks - surpasses all models to date!" thread was started by him on May 29, 2015.  It's now coming up on 6 years and 2 months (as of the day after tomorrow) with still no delivered models.  You guys are a patient bunch.

@Bob posted:

I had to go back and look.  Stephen's original "Midwestern Modelworks - surpasses all models to date!" thread was started by him on May 29, 2015.  It's now coming up on 6 years and 2 months (as of the day after tomorrow) with still no delivered models.  You guys are a patient bunch.

That might the oldest existing one, but I think that there may have been 1-2 earlier ones that imploded and were deleted,

I emailed with Erik I think early summer and Covid was preventing him from going to Asia to check on the work now with the Delta variant I don't what effect that will have.  Now getting space to ship them when ready is another question.  I talked with my farm supplier this week and was told this story on the bale wrap we use on the big round hay bales.  The American company has it made in Brazil, shipping containers are in such short supply they have to bid on them so shortly before bidding closed they offered a $12,000 premium per container to get several containers but at the last minute Walmart jumped in at $15,000 premium per container to have their stuff shipped here.  That cost will be passed on to the consumer so think what it could do to future model prices if things don't settle down.  In California people were paying ransom prices of $6,000 a container to get their full containers moved out of the docks.

You guys are so sensitive.  I must have hit you in a tender spot.  I sincerely apologize.

Sorry all those finished models are stuck on a dock in the far east.  Hope you get your shipping problems straightened out.  We need some more high end models. And it costs real money to have inventory parked for extended periods.

Last edited by bob2

Sorry to sound  uncharitable - its been a **** of a year - and I am sure Midwestern have had their problems like everyone else.

But updating a web page and a little honesty with people who are actually funding the project is not too much to expect.

He has a sizeable sum of money from me and I am sure from others. That gives him an obligation. He is uncommunicative and uncooperative. I advise anyone to think very carefully before offering him any more cash.  No wonder US O scale brass is in decline. The importers  who will survive combine regular product,  superb quality and superb communication, for example a well-known importer of high-level freight cars.


Erik had models at Chicago in 2019 showing the major changes he was making working with the new builders as the ones he had weren't doing the work required.   Covid is the biggest problem.  Remember Sunset, Scott, had his business up and running smoothly long before Covid or the transportation issues.  The Viewliners were supposed to be here in July but so far no word but I'm not worried in the slightest as I know they are probably hung up on some ship or dock.  I've paid Erik almost the total amount for the engine as I sent the money when it was good for me.  I'm sure I will see an exceptional model and hopefully before the end of the year.  Let's pray Covid-Delta doesn't put a whammy on things.

George did not actually say the models were in the process of being shipped, but from his attack on my negativity, I am assuming that my comment was not only negative, but also false, and that models are in the process of being shipped.

VGN above says they are "probably" in the process of being shipped.  Those two posts imply finished models, which is a good thing.

My question is - if so, why wouldn't Erik just say so?  Or does he just tell selected folks and let them post here on his behalf, keeping everybody else in the dark as to exactly where these beautiful models actually are?

The easiest way to resolve problems is for Erik to keep his customers updated via his website. All this "somebody says he is going to do X" does not convince anyone. He is running a business or trying to. From people I know in the brass business they have projects proceeding.  I wonder if he has just taken on more than he bargained for.

Bob2, I didn't say the Midwest models were "probably" shipped I said that Sunsets Viewliners were supposed to be here but they are probably hung up in shipping seeing that the west coast is a total shipping disaster which can be blamed partially on the railroads.  I was noting the difference between a long term, full time business verses a new business that is being financed by Erik's machine skill work for other people.

I know Erik wants the finest model of a diesel ever done so if it takes a little longer I'll give him the chance.  Personally I can't wait to see my high nose N&W in the bicentennial paint scheme.  I would rather have it done right than rushed thru at this point.

Bob2............I've figured you out, you just want to pick at people, complain and play word semantics.  If you want to act this way go to Facebook.

In the words of Tricky Dick Nixon "Let me make this perfectly clear!"  I said the Sunset Viewliners were most likely hung up in shipping not Midwest Models........container ships are sitting in the bay not being able to unload, containers are sitting on the docks not being moved thru customs or toward their destination.  Read business and trade journals and you will see the container business is total screwed up around the world especially the west coast.  I'm sure that Sunset being in business as long as they have and being near the California cost has way more connections than Erik does.  WHEN Erik ships the models I'm sure he will be at the mercy of the shippers.

@VGN64 posted:

Bob2............I've figured you out, you just want to pick at people, complain and play word semantics.  If you want to act this way go to Facebook.

In the words of Tricky Dick Nixon "Let me make this perfectly clear!"  I said the Sunset Viewliners were most likely hung up in shipping not Midwest Models........container ships are sitting in the bay not being able to unload, containers are sitting on the docks not being moved thru customs or toward their destination.  Read business and trade journals and you will see the container business is total screwed up around the world especially the west coast.  I'm sure that Sunset being in business as long as they have and being near the California cost has way more connections than Erik does.  WHEN Erik ships the models I'm sure he will be at the mercy of the shippers.

Heyna. I'll step up for Bob2... He occasionally makes some tongue in cheek comments since he's a scratch builder/kit builder of classic era O scale stuff and not a high end brass buyer.

There are a few others on this board who lead in the sarcasm category and must have been school marms in a past life the way they correct and school others.

I wish Erik S the best since MMW really digs into making accurate modern era trains.

On the other hand I have no idea why some businesses keep people, especially customers, in the dark about product delivery times and the status of products of which customers have plunked down substantial deposits.

I've given up on O scale brass for the moment but the same issue plagues the tractor implement market that I just waited 10 weeks for a product that said "shipping is 4 weeks out".

Why play duck and hide and not just tell the truth?

Last edited by Rule292

GGD Viewliners and Amfleets ship to buyers at the end of August.  The container is at least in the territorial waters of the US.  I can't speak for MMW as I am not a customer and I have nothing positive or negative to say about the company as such.  I will simply state that their models are outstanding and someday maybe when I grow up I can afford them.

On a more serious note, COVID has really stressed the industry.  Without travel back and forth the Asia, one must try and do quality control on one end of a Skype or Zoom call.  It's just not a great time for the industry in general, but that is in line with how other products outside our little world of trains is.  In my big boy job in the construction industry I have a project that ordered steel joists in July.  The anticipated delivery date is April of '22.  It got pushed up to February and there was much rejoicing.  This is not normal, but assuming Delta variant runs its course and it will, normal will likely return in early '22 assuming Epsilon doesn't come along.  The wood industry has already gotten back to a new "normal" of price stability.

So apologies to VGN - I missed the part about Sunset.  I thought he, too, was alleging that MMW was suffering at the hands of shippers.

I always agree - Erik does great machine work, and if he produces a model it will surely be spectacular.  I seriously doubt it is the shipper that is slowing delivery of MMW finished products.  Like the rest of you, I have no way of knowing whether that is true or not.

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