Guys....we regularly get alerts whenever a thread about MMW gets started. Over and over again the same discussion about production and the same bantering about their models. Do they ever produce anything? I certainly don't know and I can tell you that they get plenty of FREE press and promotions on the forum. Anyway, we are getting tired of the speculation and personal nature of some of the posts. AND, I know that they don't support the forum in any way. How about talking about product that they have released in the last few years? that you all have my attention, I will stop by more often to see how things are going.
Alan, I appreciate what you're saying and hope this is allowed, but for what it's worth, a few days ago I heard a rumor from a colleague I highly regard that the MMW coal gons will begin shipping next month, and that the SD45's went into production last week. Of course, rumors or just that, so I contacted MMW, and they confirmed. I don't believe the SD45-2's are moving to production yet, and not sure about the tunnel motors either, but it appears things are beginning to progress. I'm expecting two ATSF SD45's and an ICG SD45, (#7000), so I'll be one happy camper they day they arrive, especially for the ICG. The SD45 is my all-time favorite loco, it was the big block corvette of 2nd gen diesels, and ICG's #7000 was the only SD45 ICG ever purchased. Growing up in Southern Illinois in the 1970's I remember seeing it occasionally, sometimes lashed up with some other really eclectic ICG locomotives, hammering east up the bluffs out of East St. Louis or through the tunnels on the Edgewood cutoff through the Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois, some great memories, I just wish I would have taken some pictures back then.