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I saw a chart somewhere on the web describing curve radius (not diameter) requirements as it related to car length, and for body mounted Kadees to operate properly on curves, it called for the radius to be 5 times the car length. Keep in mind, "operating properly" also means coupling and uncoupling on the curve, you can get away with smaller curves if all you want to do is have the train run through, rather than trying to perform switching moves on the curve.


Bill in FtL


If you mount them on the trucks you will likely be able to negotiate the same radius as before depending on how close you want to couple the cars. Using the supplied diaphrams which are about three times as long as the prototype, and having the diaphrams touch you might be able to negotiate 042, 054 for sure.



You can grind down both sides of the draft gear box ( the bottom half of the box) to gain some extra side to side travel for the couplers. Not the whole side, but at least 1/8" or a tad more. This greatly helps with close coupled cars and reverse curves, but 060.....I seriously doubt it with body mounted couplers. Truck mounted....absolutely.

If you want to sacrifice the centering feature, you can mount the coupler directly with a screw.    Simply fill the slot in the shank where the spring normally with a piece of styrene rod about 1/8 x 1/8 inch by the lenght of the slot.   Then drill out for a 2-56 screw clearance (#50 drill).    You can then drill and tap the car floor or a mounting pad and you get much more coupler swing.    

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