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My advice..........don't worry about it. My Dad's layouts always had Std. and O together and he never gave it a thought that things were out of proportion.  Nothing else in tinplate is done to scale, so why worry about mixing O and Std. on the same layout? I'm in the process of designing my new layout and it will most definitely have both O and Std. And if space allows, I'm even going to squeeze in a loop of HO. Have fun!!

Mr. Boucher,

Like I stated above, you have to be selective on train size. If you want to run the monster Std Gauge. Run a 256 with 1700 series cars on your O-Gauge. Try a 260E also.


To look nice you can run a 8, 10 or 318 with 310 or 320 series passenger or 500 series freight. Remember the 8 & 10 are smaller Std Gauge electric profile. Run these with your O-Gauge. It's all about experimentation .

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