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Hi gang,

I am planning to create a small TOFC unloading facility for a modular club layout.  I plan on using two 4 foot long modules. The depth of the module is flexible.  I have two nice unloading ramps that I picked up at York.  I would like to hear from anyone who may have modeled TOFC facilities or may have any ideas about the same.  I have some ideas in my head and have drawn up a few of them, but I have come to hold the ideas from forum members in high regard and would welcome your input.  



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While not a intermodal yard, I made a module with Super Streets/ EZ Strrets and a 3/16 Handi panel of chalkboard. The two are very close in height. Because I used both brands of track and the color differences, I painted the track black. I have yet to weather the whole thing which should blend the surfaces a little more.



Images (1)
  • stuper_streets

Earl, here are a couple of shots of my intermodal yard.  Like L&N, I use Easy Streets and a masonite to create a paved surface.  You can see the Mi Jack in the background.  I will be building an auto unloading ramp for the auto carrier based on prototype photos I have researched.  The autos are the Menards cars that they have in 16 packs and seem to be a good fit in the auto carrier.IMG_0867IMG_0868


Images (2)
  • IMG_0867
  • IMG_0868

Thanks for the replies.  Moonman, I sent you an e-mail and also posted my e-mail address in my profile (didn't know I left it out, thanks).  My module will have a 60's-70's look, but I like the super streets look as well.  I own a slew of "pigs" and lots of Erie Lackawanna power that I want to show off.  We had a small TOFC facility in Scranton back then.  Trucking firms hauled trailers from the New England area to Scranton for loading.

Looking forward to more input.




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