Been a thread recently about improving the realism of some stuff, specifically how adding Kadees can cause problems with passenger cars because of the diaphragm interaction.
Not sure if this means the "problem" is really the diaphragms rather than the couplers. It seems a tradeoff as to which is the more desirable, realistic couplers or close coupling with attendant diaphragm problems.
I ordered diaphragms from Precision Scale (part 40519). My original intent was to use these between two A unit diesels running in A-A configuration. Hasn't happened, largely because I can't quite see how to install the things. No, there are no instructions.
The point is that they seem to have metal striker plates that would, hopefully at least, slide against each other, much like the real thing, thereby actually allowing some contact that would not have so much friction as to cause derailment on curves which is the usual case with rubbery, plastic diaphragms.
Has anyone installed these things? If so what part goes where? Particularly that part with the post through the doorway? Is that post flashing, meant to be removed? There is no ridge to glue the diaphragm material to it? So I don't see how in blazes the diaphragm material is supposed to glue onto it?
I am mystified by these things.