Sorry for the torrent of Tortoise switch machine questions. I'm trying to avoid stupid mistakes and I depend on the knowledge of the experts here. I'm using the Tortoise machines, I have the installation (drill) jig and I am using Atlas O switches and I plan to connect to the DCS/AIU.
First dumb question, I am assuming I will need to use the throwbar opening at the end of the throwbar rather than drill a hole in the center of the throwbar. Is that correct? Do any of you drill a hole in the center of the throwbar for better appearance with Atlas O?
Second, the drill jig instructions read as if I am supposed to center the jig using the assumption that the throwbar hole is in the center of the throwbar. If I use the hole at the end of the Atlas O switch throwbar, than does that become the "Actuator Hole" the drill jig refers to? That would make sense if the machine is to be located based upon the "Actuator Hole."
Third, with regard to power and for the sake of using this one post, I understand the Tortoise needs DC power. Assuming that is true, what do you use as your power source? Any DC powerpack? The power then, will be separate from any AC transformer power I will use for the track, yes?
Fourth, I wold like to use the DCS/AIU to throw the switches. I am an electrical know nothing and I would love a diagram which shows the connections. Could one of you do that for me?
Thanks for helping out Old Scrapiron here. I am trying to bring the New Munoz Lines into the 21st Century. I actually bought the new DCS Wifi and, hopefully, by the time the trains are running I will be able to have my list of turnouts on the IPad and throw them easily.
Eliot "Scrapiron" Scher