I finished with the plaster cloth and bought an 18 pound bag of drywall plaster with perlite at Lowe's. I brushed the goop on then textured it with my paintbrush. While much of this will be covered with Rick castings and clump foilage, some will be painted with washes for additional rock outcroppings....not bad for the first attempt....:-)
I finished with the plaster cloth and bought an 18 pound bag of drywall plaster with perlite at Lowe's. I brushed the goop on then textured it with my paintbrush. While much of this will be covered with Rick castings and clump foilage, some will be painted with washes for additional rock outcroppings....not bad for the first attempt....:-)
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Nice work! When working with plaster I actually do better carving small sections of still soft plaster than I do positioning rock castings, but both techniques are fun. Keep us posted on your progress. Bo
Please visit my website Bo's Trains at http://www.bostrains.com
You could also take some rigid foam insulation (pink or blue stuff) and carve it for your rocks/outcroppings.....you could go the hydrocal method casting into rubber molds....or the Bragdon technique using expanding foam in molds. All in all it looks like a good base.
I'm assuming you went the card board strip "skeleton" method?
Nick B
Boston Metro Hi Railers
Wilmington, MA
Your on the right track.
Add some some rock castings then blend in with foam and drywall compound.
Many rock molds avialable or make your your with latex. Finish in latex paint
then add textures, trees, and here is what can done. Any questions please contact me.
Bob Spaulding
Mill sawdust makes a nice course additive to a thin pour of delayed set plaster or stir into the slow set Perlite.
Bob, whose double bridges going over the resevoir in the background of the fourth photo? Nice topography going on there!
The near vertical flat rocks behind the Hellsgate style bridges, back story??
What is the radius of the curved bridges?
Interesting compression to launch the bridge theme. tt
Hello Tom,
All work has been completed myself, the bridges are cast plaster from molds made
in house at AltoonaModelWorks. The bridge will be made avialable in near future.
Watch our website for RxR structures, castings, and setting up spin molding equipment now.
That bridge is Atlas exstended.
Very nice. Impressive bridges and curve. How big is the layout? Is that metal chicken wire or a plastic version? Metal has been a deterrent when operating TMCC unless it is grounded.
I use to use the plaster technique until Jim Policastro educated me about Structolite. I dip the towels in that and is has a nice delayed set up time and it comes out very rough.
Keep us posted.