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I have the MTH Premier UP 1943 and I hear a strange noise coming from the engine. It sounds like a grinding sound, I can’t really describe it. I took off the shell and ran it around the layout without sound or smoke, and I did not see anything that would be causing the noise. I have a video of it running without sound with the noise. Does anyone know what it is and how to fix it? Thank you. 



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Here's the audio waveform from your video.  Just to be clear, when you saying "grinding sound" do you mean the paired "click-click" as shown circled in red?  The time-stamp scale in seconds is at top of the screen.

Your video looks like the engine is turning leftward.  Does it make the same sound on straight-track?  Does it make the same sound turning rightward?  What about running in reverse?  Or facing the engine in the other direction?  If you double the speed does the "click-click" occur twice as often?  In other words, can you correlate the strange sound to any aspect of what the engine is doing at the time?


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