Good afternoon all,
I completed a Proto 3 conversion to an existing 2 rail MTH Allegheny several months back. Install went great.. piece of cake. Locomotive ran fine for a while and during a Christmas "show" in my basement, the Allegheny derailed on a switch and I immediately shut the DCS down. When I went to start back up, everything powered up on-line including the other engines, but I could not get my Allegheny to move. The amperage on the Z4000 went from about 2.5 amps and slowly went up to around 10 amps or so, so I quickly shut it down again. I removed my loco and put it on my test track. Everything powers up fine- no DCS issues at all. That all changes when I go Forward or Reverse. Same thing... amperage draw goes through the roof. I bench tested the motor and turns very well and freely. No binding with any of the drive rods whatsoever. When I spin the long drive shaft, you can hear the chuffs, indicating the DCS is "seeing" the tach reader. All other functions of DCS operate as advertised.
I'm at a loss and turning you the pros on the forum. I don't want to try to put a new DCS board in it until I can prove that it's the board somehow.
Thank you all in advance. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Rick Stoffregen