I know a bunch of people were standing on the sidelines and not bidding on the MTH auction for this very reason. I was the lucky winner of Lot 124, UP SD70Ace 8357 - twin to the engine that got me back into the hobby. $165 plus $24.75 premium plus $35 shipping.
It arrived yesterday. It was without a box. There was no box in the auction pictures, and presumably if they have a box they'll include a picture. Instead, it was very tightly wrapped in bubble wrap. The engine itself is in really good condition. The small bar thing low down at the very back end was loose and the mounting brackets broken on one side. It had to have been from the tight bubble wrapping because all of the parts were held in place. No big deal, I can fix that. The engine was dusty but overall reasonably clean and in otherwise excellent condition.
It's a PS 3 engine. When I put it on the tracks there was a very loud buzzing noise. Turns out the front coupler is stuck uncoupling itself repeatedly - so fast it's basically vibrating. It got VERY hot VERY quickly. I have zero idea how to fix this. The wires attaching the coupler to the coil look intact and I don't see any obvious shorts. It would not respond to the remote commander remote - I don't have access to real DCS. Do any of you have any ideas as to what might be causing this?