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I have recently acquired and installed a used MTH Car Wash. I would like to activate it via an AIU port, and I have found the instructions on how to wire it.

My question is, if down the line I forget that it's just a single "activate" to start up the car wash sequence, and I use my remote to turn ALL ON for accessories, will I damage this Car Wash by having it "switched on" vs. a momentary activate?

Thanks in advance!


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Further info in case it can be of help to anyone...

This accessory calls for 14 to 20 V DC in the manual.  I didn't read that and hooked it up on my layout to an "available" junction box.  The car moved very slowly and had trouble making around the turn entering the car wash.  Put on the volt meter and it turns out I only had 13 V (from an older Radio Shack 12V power supply).

So I ordered an 18 V from Amazon and it arrived today.  WOW!  The car works great now.  The green and red lights are brighter, too!

Lesson 1:  RTFM

Lesson 2:  More juice, please! 

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