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E-Z Catch has been busy with the custom runs! The engines and rolling stock below are available for pre-buy and some are IN-STOCK from E-ZCatch Train Shop.  Look at all of the colors and different options!  Dealer Inquiries are always welcome!

PRE-BUY the Central Maine and Quebec AC4000, New York and Greenwood Lake Railway GP9, Finger Lakes Railway GP9, Winchester and Western GP9, RJ Corman SD45, Granite City SW1200, , Rochester and Southern SW1200, RJ Corman SW1200,South Buffalo Railway SW1200, Pittsburg and Lake Erie Bicentennial GP9, Delaware Otsego System RS3, NY and Greenwood Lake RS3, Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo 0-6-0 and the Grizzly Beer Woodsided Reefer!
IN-STOCK - Alco Demonstrator C628 and the Western NY and Pennsylvania C630 - FREE SHIPPING!

You can also e-mail Pat at!


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Last edited by E-Z Catch Train Shop
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@E-Z Catch Train Shop,


How about sponsoring some custom runs of New Haven Railroad equipment? I don't see any local MTH dealers offering New Haven, Boston & Maine or Boston & Albany models. Specifically, I would buy an MTH New Haven Alco RS-3 or a Railking Imperial USRA 0-6-0 steam engine in New Haven, B&M or B&A livery.


Last edited by MELGAR
@MELGAR posted:

@E-Z Catch Train Shop,


How about sponsoring some custom runs of New Haven Railroad equipment? I don't see any local MTH dealers offering New Haven, Boston & Maine or Boston & Albany models. Specifically, I would buy an MTH New Haven Alco RS-3 or a Railking Imperial USRA 0-6-0 steam engine in New Haven, B&M or B&A livery.


Mel, thank you, that B&A ( 0-6-0 ) sounds interesting - can you e-mail me some photos?

my email address is

Last edited by E-Z Catch Train Shop

Mel, thank you, that B&A ( 0-6-0 ) sounds interesting, can you e-mail me some photo's,

my email address is


MTH now has on offer a Railking Imperial USRA 0-6-0 steam engine model in six road names scheduled for delivery in November 2023. This is a Railking model with upgraded details (Imperial). Several dealers are offering custom runs but, as far as I know, none is offering one of the road names I would buy - New Haven, Boston & Maine, Boston & Albany and New York Central. This link goes to the announcement on the MTH website.


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