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I know it's here somewhere. I can't find where the number is for the TVS inside the TIU.

DCS TIU tvs shorted out..example of operator error | O Gauge Railroading On Line Forum (

I searched the forum and came close.

I ran a new engine that may have sparked from it's center pick-up rollers too hard? The engine stopped abruptly. The Z4000 shows heavy amp draw now. I pulled the engine off the rails and before tearing into it, I tested again. It's still showing a short. So I methodically start disconnecting everything until I see that TIU Channel #1 is a dead short.

I haven't gone inside yet but what's the part I need for the TVS?

Last edited by Engineer-Joe
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The 2 digit number is (Edit- read the data sheet- but a "correlation" to) the voltage rating of the device.

Stock it came with 33 and your other channels are currently protected to "33".

Higher numbers equate to higher voltage values when looking at the sheet. Example, 36 is higher, and 39 is even higher. This is the voltage they let pass into the REST of the expensive electronics in your TIU.

Again, a simple concept. This device protects and attempts to block higher than "normal" voltage entering the TIU. You want a value that doesn't short normal operation, but also provides some minor headroom, but not so much headroom damaging spikes come in and pass through. MTH factory chose 33- you can use other values- higher is less protection in this perspective.

Last edited by Vernon Barry

Note that the 1500W 33.3V TVS at Digikey actually has a breakdown minimum of 34V.  Since the TIU is rated at 24VAC input, that doesn't leave much headroom from the 1.414 peak voltage of 24V RMS, that's 33.936 volts peak.  The 33V rated TVS would have min breakdown of 31.4V, well below the peak possible with normal voltage inputs.


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Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

Thank you both for the info.

Now, to pick one.

I tend to go with what's original.

In one of my power amps from Crown, it was posted that the original start up cap, could be blown from regular use. The specs didn't match what was actually occurring. A recommended change was posted. I went with that because it sounded correct.

Now, I can't decide on this. I have four TIUs that have run for years without issue. So was this some specific occurrence?

the clamping voltage seems to be important? I really don't know which is most? I know just enough to get in trouble here.

What do you use for input power to the TIU?  If it's 18V, the lower clamping value TVS should be fine.  Truthfully, the difference in actual protection is minimal between all the choices being discussed.   The truly damaging spikes are well above the clamping threshold of any of the possibilities.  Voltage transients are routinely recorded at up to several thousand volts, they only last picoseconds, but that's enough.

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