Well, today I pulled down all of my MTH and Lionel steamers, all bought used. I had some problems with my railking 2-8-8-2 and 2-8-0. They both just sit there with only the front lights on. Removed and recharged the batteries and bummer, no change. Maybe new batteries? I ran my MTH scale N&W Y6b and N&W scale Class "A". Both ran "OK" , but the horn and bell were nuts on both. One min the bell does not stop, get that stopped, and the horn will stay on. With alot of stoping and starting, I can finally get both working correctly. Both are very loud and their sounds are not the best. I will try turning down the volume. Now for my Lionel scale Y6b. I was afraid to give it a go, but boy did it go!! Everything worked perfect! The sounds were GREAT!! All responded to the buttons on my MTH Z1000 without a hitch. Well my 2 Railkings are going off the a MTH service center near Boston.Tired of fooling around and getting flustrated. So I drop a couple of hundred, at least they should work correctly. My opinion of Lionel'steamers now has my utmost respect!