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Hello MTH,

I apologize for using this open forum to contact you; however, I haven't been able to contact your staff in any other way.

I have tried to get in touch w/Jacob several times to set up a time/method for picking up my two repaired steam engines.  I spoke w/Andy on June 22, 3:25 p.m., about picking up my engines.   Jacob did not call me after June 22.  I left a follow up message with Andy on June 25; however, I did not receive a response.  A short while ago. i.e., July 9, 4:25 p.m., I left another message with Andy.

Let me note that I live in Rockville, Maryland, and understand Maryland's COVID-19 restrictions and phased reopenings.  Furthermore, I understand that MTH has furloughed some of its service staff.

I dropped off my Premier ESE and J on December 11, 2019.  As far as I can tell from the MTH web site, the locomotives were repaired on or before April 14, 2020.  MY RMA is 011479.  I would like to find out how much the repairs cost and arrange a time to make a curbside pickup.  I understand that curbside pickups are allowed under phase 2 of the Maryland COVID-19 regulations.  As required under Maryland regulations, I will wear a mask.  Also, I'll wear gloves.  I keep Lysol wipes in my car.

Maybe it would be easier for your to contact me by e-mail.   If so, that's fine.  Use the e-mail address listed in my OGR profile.  (I would rather not list my phone number in OGR post.)  I would really like to pay for the repairs and pick up the locomotives.

Thank you.


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Hi Jon, Thank you for following up with me.  Jacob called me a few minutes ago.  I've paid for the repairs and arranged for pickup next Tuesday at noon.  I will pick the items up outside the repair door.

I live so close to MTH that it's always been easy to drop off items that needed repairs; however, for future repairs, do you think that it would be more efficient for me to send to a hobby shop that employs MTH-trained repair staff?

Again, I appreciate your response.

I ordered a pilot for an Alco DL109 part number DG2130013 on June 17 and was sent a pilot for an Alco FA-2  I called and talked to Midge and she asked me to email the order number and other details  It has been over two weeks and I sent a second email a week after the first.  I have yet to hear from her.     Just to be sure can someone confirm this email address is correct.          j

I arranged for and sent it my tiu 3 weeks ago.  Paid for it a couple days ago when I called for a status update after three weeks went by, and got it back today.  I was told when I got the RMA it would be about 3 weeks and it was.  No complaints here.  Sorry your equipment seems to have been lost in the shuffle.

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