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Recently bought this MTH Triplex that was advertised as having a new BCR.  Inside the tender I found this.  I've never seen a setup like this that uses standard rechargeable AA batteries.  I was hoping to replace this with an actual BCR, ie capacitors, so I never have to open this tender again.  I guess it would have to be a wire splice job as there are no connectors involved in this anymore and the battery harness is hardwired into the circuit.  Just checking to see if anyone has encountered this setup before, as I don't think it's stock.  Would splicing in a capacitor go red to red and black to black on this?  Thanks


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Original Post

Here's the standard battery connector, unplug this and replace the battery setup with the one of your choice.  FWIW, that's a standard rig from early in the 3V board production.

You can just use two AA NiMh rechargeable batteries to replace the ones that are there.  If you want to use a SuperCAP, do something like this.

If you want the stock PS/2 3V battery, it plugs right into the connector I indicated.


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