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It has been years since I represented QSI and actually sold a few of these.  I just checked and I do not have any of the Power Programmer's left over, so this is all from memory and at my age that is a poor source of info.

As I recall, there should be posts for two inputs.  One would be set at high voltage and the other at low voltage.  All the Power Programmer did was save the hassle of wearing out your ZW's carbon rollers.  Any two sources of variable AC with a common ground should do the trick.  Using a ZW would be the choice for me as there are no electronic "features" that might intervene with the MTH version.

The process is gratifying to dial up feature 26 and simply count the clinks and clanks to verify that it is where you want it to be.  Pretty slick, but it was too pricey and I sold only a few of them at Wheaton the day.


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