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Hi fellow train lovers I been stumbling on a intermittent problem concerning my mth board ps 3  I had to open the shell to clean some excess smoke fluid.  I also un plugged the conections and molly connectors to spray contact clenning fluid on all components wiped it all down with many  q tips and I soldered  a broken head light wire  I wire tied everything back. Then I placed the train on track only to find when I applied power to track the train will start in conventional mode. So I rest the engine to factory settings. This is when I lost the train completely.  I tried many time to add engine and finally the hand held controller showed that the new engine was added then I applied forward throttle no movement in either direction backwards/towards.  No horn/ no bell.  I did get it to run on dsc for a while and then I lost it again!! Now I’m back to square one as the engine is only starting in conventional mode.   Ok I know the smoke fluid was a big problem and I’m hoping that this will eventually stop after Time. Or maybe I have a short some where.  Or I need a new board?   Mth does not sell new boards to individuals only dealers and the future is uncertain for mth.  So I need a good service shop to fix my trains and I need access to parts so I can learn to fix my trains myself.  Does anyone out there have some answers for me all my equipment is mth.

Original Post

To help you, please give us the product number.  That way we know what you are talking about.  Excess smoke fluid on the wires and metal frame can cause shorts because there is about only 1mm of clearance between the smoke unit fan motor wire connectors and the frame.  A second cause of excess smoke fluid ( if a diesel) is the smoke funnel is not aligned with the plastic smoke chamber directly under the smoke outlet port on the locomotive shell.

I have seen on Railking diesels where the smoke unit was installed backward, no way is the funnel going to line up properly that way.  I have also seen smoke fluid chambers 2/3 full of smoke fluid.  Be careful with smoke fluid.


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