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I have the above engine #30-1127-0, which is the version with just whistle and smoke. The engine was hardly used, and yet the tender coupler knuckle is broke. I need a replacement coupler. MTH answered my e-mail right away, but they only seem to be talking about the coil coupler, which this engine does not have. I have explained this to MTH, but so far no quick reply. So in between all this, I am tossing out this question for comments. What is the part number, etc.?



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Couplers can be found on eBay, etc. MTH/Lionel/Weaver all use the same "standard"

mount in most cases, and are interchangeable. Call Weaver - but make sure they know

you are looking for a mechanical (non-electro) tender coupler - not a rolling stock

coupler. Measure the shank length. Their older locos had mechanical couplers.

They are very helpful and accessible.  

Last edited by D500
Originally Posted by Jeff B. Haertlein:

I have the above engine #30-1127-0, which is the version with just whistle and smoke. The engine was hardly used, and yet the tender coupler knuckle is broke. I need a replacement coupler. MTH answered my e-mail right away, but they only seem to be talking about the coil coupler, which this engine does not have. I have explained this to MTH, but so far no quick reply. So in between all this, I am tossing out this question for comments. What is the part number, etc.?



I have that locomotive and my tender coupler is also broke.Some have told me that mth had bad couplers.I like the locomotive because it can haul tail.The locomotive I have is a speedster it jumped the track on a 042 cuvre track.And I only had it not even have way.

I have many non coils from upgrades.  If you want to send me your broken coupler I am sure I can match it with something taken from an upgrade.  If you want to photo it with dimensions and put it on the forum, myself or someone will have what you need.


I have the books on those old engines.  Your coupler part number is DD-0000003 and the armature number is DD-0000022.  I checked both numbers with the MTH computer for you and it states unavailable.  I would suggest you give what I outlined a try.

Last edited by Marty Fitzhenry

Jeff,  The confusion may be that MTH only shows that as a PS-1 engine.  Does the box have the 0 at the end?


In any case, you have the short 44.5mm coupler.  If you need the mechanical the new part number for the DD-0000003 is the DD-0000073 and MTH has that in stock.


You are better off getting it from Marty though.  You don't need to get the armature unless that broke too.  Usually jus the knuckle breaks.  G

OK Marty, Thanks. Sounds like you are the guy I should see. I'll get back with things in a day or so, as my next day off is Tuesday.
Originally Posted by Marty Fitzhenry:

I have many non coils from upgrades.  If you want to send me your broken coupler I am sure I can match it with something taken from an upgrade.  If you want to photo it with dimensions and put it on the forum, myself or someone will have what you need.


I have the books on those old engines.  Your coupler part number is DD-0000003 and the armature number is DD-0000022.  I checked both numbers with the MTH computer for you and it states unavailable.  I would suggest you give what I outlined a try.


Yes. the coupler was breaking off and is quite brittle. Too bad MTH got a bad batch. Originally Posted by Ron S:

Check and see If the end of the coupler will break off with your vfingers.  I sae some recently on older Passenger cars where the metal had become very brittle.  If this is a possibility replace the whole unit.  Also one of the armatuers was affected.  I hope this helps.



Hi Marty:
Do you want to e-mail me your address, and I can send you this whole assembly for you to look at? My e-mail is
Originally Posted by Marty Fitzhenry:

I have many non coils from upgrades.  If you want to send me your broken coupler I am sure I can match it with something taken from an upgrade.  If you want to photo it with dimensions and put it on the forum, myself or someone will have what you need.


I have the books on those old engines.  Your coupler part number is DD-0000003 and the armature number is DD-0000022.  I checked both numbers with the MTH computer for you and it states unavailable.  I would suggest you give what I outlined a try.


Originally Posted by Jeff B. Haertlein:
Hi Marty:
Do you want to e-mail me your address, and I can send you this whole assembly for you to look at? My e-mail is
Originally Posted by Marty Fitzhenry:

I have many non coils from upgrades.  If you want to send me your broken coupler I am sure I can match it with something taken from an upgrade.  If you want to photo it with dimensions and put it on the forum, myself or someone will have what you need.


I have the books on those old engines.  Your coupler part number is DD-0000003 and the armature number is DD-0000022.  I checked both numbers with the MTH computer for you and it states unavailable.  I would suggest you give what I outlined a try.



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