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MTH recommended about 0.75 mm distance for the tach reader or somewhere between 0.5mm to 1.5mm for optimum read.    Of course without hitting the flywheel .

Mine measures 2.5 mm .   I don't understand how to make an adjustment.

Has anyone come up with a good solution ?

Last edited by Dallas Joseph
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@GGG posted:

Place a thin piece of plastic, or brass under bottom of tach reader so that if tilts reader towards flywheel.

Is this OEM, there are different size tach reader brackets for PS-3 and PS-2 has different tach readers with spacers under sensor to get the correct gap.  G

Thank you very much George. 😉

I was concerned about putting too much pressure on the plastic bracket or misaligning the reader.

      I did use a piece of paper cardstock as large as the size of the plastic surface of the holder  with a dab of super glue and was able to keep the reader parrallel with the flywheel .     The new distance is now 1.0 mm.


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