I notice MTH still has 22-21034-2 in-stock my Question is to someone one who has this unit or the 22-21033-2 is there any designation of the the cab numbers 32L or 32C on them any where I would like to get an aba but do not want to if there is a designation for the same number.
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Same numbers on the A units. These run and look superb. Here is a video I did.
The letter C did not appear on the number boards of unit 32C until around 1957. Prior to that, the only way to tell the 32L FROM THE 32C was the small black letter L or C, painted in black below the oval nose emblem, just above the anti climber, on the vertical yellow stripe, and the number, either 32 or 32C painted in black in the red stripe just ahead of the rear od the unit. I can't tell from the video, whether these units have those letters. MTH has gotten better at being road-specific, and they may have added the L and C letters. If they are missing, it would not be difficult to get a Microscale decal set and add them.
I could not tell either I appreciate your info. I am still hoping someone with these units will look and reply. I am ok if there isn't there my biggest issue is I would like purchase and ABA set but the only one available is 32C. So if it is there I may wait to see if they do it again or find one for sale.
So I spoke with Brian at Legacy Station today and he was kind enough to look over the unit he had instock which was the 32C version and there was a designation on the side of the unit stating 32C so I am sure the 32L would be the same for others knowledge.
I have the premier high rail versions of both of these locomotives and can confirm that both number boards are 32, however there is a 32L and 32C designation of the rear of the cab on both A units.