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i have a modern MTH 400e traditional.  I am not sure of the year issued, probably at least 10 years ago.  I bought it used and was told it was only on display.  I recently decided to run it and found after a few laps around the circle, I lost a rim off one of the cast drive wheels.  Seems to be a very loose press fit.  I used JB weld to put it back and after a few more laps lost another one.  Any one else have this issue?  If so, what was your fix?





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I've not had the issue, but your fix is probably sufficient. I do not feel that the metal than MTH uses is of the same grade of steel that Lionel once used.  It is softer whether by being a lower grade steel, not being tempered, etc, etc.  It ain't the same caliber.... When you unbend MTH tabs, they stay unbent and fall of pretty much.  I've had 2613 series passenger car trucks spread and the tabs on the center spreader bar just pull through the side frames.  Stuff like that doesn't make me too happy at times but what are you going to do.  I've never had the same issues with vintage Lionel parts.  And you will probably never get a nickel rim off a vintage Lionel wheel unless you hit it with a hammer!

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