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I have  2 sets of scale 18"  PRR fleet of Modernism . One is a MTH set and the other is a Lionel set. Both sets are similar but there are a number of differences   I'm thinking of letting go one of the two. I want to know is one have more value than the other

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Value is in the eye of the beholder. If you personally value both then keep them. If you feel more attached to one set over the other, then keep the more valued set.

For me personally in this case, it depends on the set. If these are the Lionel FOM cars with the full-width diaphragms on the end, I would keep those as it's more accurate to the prototype cars the PRR ran in that paint scheme.
If not, then I would keep the MTH as I've found the MTH car chassis and electrical setup to be more reliable over the years.

In my personal "Great Red Fleet," aside from GGD cars, all my scale cars are MTH except for those in the FOM scheme. I had a set that I ended up replacing with Lionel ones because of the full width diaphragms.

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