Originally Posted by NotInWI:
Troy, You have to be chopping at the bit to get some turnouts! The reefers look good behind that challenger. Ben
Ben, I need TO's like Laverne needs Shirley!!! IMO, Fastrack could also benefit from 1/2 sections of both curves and straits and also larger radius curves as well. On the positive side, I will have alot of time to plan out sidings, roads, buildings and clearances!!! I've been doing this little pike differently from my previous methods in that I have no drawings or plans. What I did instead was use the Fastrack and make a "template" of sorts with 2 x 8 pieces of old masonite on the floor and then just lay-out what looked good to me and the limited track components would allow. For a small layout, I've really come to like this style of real-time planning.