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Yesterday I was at Maine Medical for a six month checkup following treatment earlier this year. During the exam, my doctor asked me about the shirt I was wearing (denim with TCA Sante Fe logo) and how I was involved with trains. It turns out that his eight year old son is very much interested in Lionel trains with Fastrack. The exam quickly turned into a wonderful discussion of trains. His family is now coming to our home to share our Christmas and regular layouts with them. Not only is he a great Doc who has really helped me, but he is also an exceptional individual.

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My doctor is not personally involved in trains, but his dad is a big-time HO enthusiast.  We often discuss trains when I make my six-month visits and I usually take along the latest issue of the magazine so he can pass it along to his father (who enjoys reading about all scales).


I have never met a doctor yet who wasn't supportive of the hobby for the beneficial effects it can have on a patient's overall wellbeing.

My former doctor (now retired) suggested about 5 years ago that I needed a hobby to get away from the job stress of working 2 jobs, wasn't sure what I wanted to do but I am a huge NASCAR fan, to make a long story short, a few nights later my wife was walking past the LHS that just opened up that week, the owner was setting up the Lionel NASCAR train layout in the showcase window, she went in, talked with the owner about it and the driver's expansion packs for it and got me down there a couple nights later to see it, I purchased the NASCAR train set and the Tony Stewart expansion pack set the rest is history, more track, trains, rolling stock, buildings, transformers scenery, etc. I'm hooked!

There are a good number of physicians on the Forum. I have actually connected with a few of them at York. Funny how things happen. When I met Neal Schorr at York, I realized I had been following his modelling in various magazines for nearly 20 years! 


Trains for me are a great way to relax. I routinely take care of people with serious and sometimes horrendous illnesses (my website: Work can be very stressful at times. It very comforting to be able to "re-charge" so to speak, for the next day.





Thanks for your reply. I am sure that there are several other docs on this Forum but it is always nice to learn about them. Having traveled a good deal in my life for business, I can't begin to tell about the many times docs were on flights when a medical emergency occurred. I have a significant respect for you and the other docs out there that save lives every day.

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