Hello All,
Having grown up in Southern California, my layouts tend to reflect the era I know best, late 50's to mid 60's. I have always wanted to build a version of the Southern Pacific station in Palm Springs California, after seeing a picture of it online. Naturally, no kits existed in O scale that I could find, but there was an vintage HO kit put out by a long defunct company, that looked very much like the station that existed so I sent away for it!
I'ts the Mission Style kit and with some mild artistic license it would work quite nicely.I found some foam board that had nearly invisible 1/2 inch grids printed on it and I fiqured that would simplify making O scale-ish pieces using the HO kit as a template. I really just doubled the number of grid squares the HO piece was and free-handed the cutouts for doors and windows and such.
Easy as pie!
I added a additional passenger shade area instead of the baggage room for a more open look. I gave the structure a light coat of a well known texture paint.
I next cut some scrap beams for roof support and will add some thin cardboard to help support the scale sheet roof tiles I found on line.
Lots more to do on this project! I will post updates on my progress and will show the intall and desert- scaping ( including unbelievable palm trees) on my Palms to Pines RR.
Comments and suggestions welcome.