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Hello All,

Having grown up in Southern California, my layouts tend to reflect the era I know best, late 50's to mid 60's. I have always wanted to build a version of the Southern Pacific station in Palm Springs California, after seeing a picture of it online. Naturally, no kits existed in O scale that I could find, but there was an vintage HO kit put out by a long defunct company, that looked very much like the station that existed so I sent away for it!20180506_11093320180506_111032

I'ts the Mission Style kit and with some mild artistic license it would work quite nicely.20180506_110954I found some foam board that had nearly invisible 1/2 inch grids printed on it and I fiqured that would simplify making O scale-ish pieces using the HO kit as a template. I really just doubled the number of grid squares the HO piece was and free-handed the cutouts for doors and windows and such.20180506_111225Easy as pie!20180506_111119I added a additional passenger shade area instead of the baggage room for a more open look. I gave the structure a light coat of a well known texture paint.20180506_111321I next cut some scrap beams for roof support and will add some thin cardboard to help support the scale sheet roof tiles I found on line.20180506_11154320180506_111635Lots more to do on this project!  I will post updates on my progress and will show the intall and desert- scaping ( including unbelievable palm trees) on my Palms to Pines RR.

Comments  and suggestions welcome.



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Last edited by John Meyncke
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Thank you MELGAR,

Sadly, as with most things I grew up with here in California, the Palm Springs station was torn down. This is my little tribute to days gone by. On with the new!

All of the Movie and TV stars that we remember from our childhood had homes on the various golf communities dotted along the Palm Springs valley area in those days. Walt Disney at Smoketree, Lucy and Desi at Thunderbird,  Red Skelton, all of them. And I would say a good percentage of them used that little station for their comings and goings.

My parents were regular Palm Springs vacationeers. I remember seeing Hopalong Cassidy on Indian Canyon Blvd...(not in western garb) I was speechless for weeks! So much popular cultural history in that area. I still live very close by, and we visit many times a year for art shows and museums.


Last edited by John Meyncke

Hello All,

I've been fighting a spring cold this week but I felt like going to town on this little station. Today was windows, doors, and start the tile roofing day! Anybody ever haul tile up on a roof, especially in Palm Springs knows what a real job that is. The folks that do it are true artists and earn every penny!20180509_141139

Today I wanted to glaze the openings and used an old sheet protector that was the exact color I wanted. Many buildings in the desert areas use colorful and deep tints in their architecture. I basically traced the outline of the openings on the plastic with a pen and used a white paint pen to suggest panes and casings and such. Next time I may consider using architectural striping tape for a slightly cleaner finish, but I actually like the more "rustic" motif.20180509_14543120180509_165119

With all Main Station openings addressed, it was time to tackle the heavy job of roofing the Station. High 80's today in Temecula and just getting over a cold I was not looking forward to it..20180509_16520120180509_170859The under roofing supports the tile to keep it from sagging and helps give the station some structural rigidity ( you know we ARE in an eartquake zone...right?)20180509_173145I found some very cool O scale tile sheets on line and they are very easy to use. Be sure to eyeball and use scissors to straighten up the tile runs on the sheets ( they are not cut perfectly square) first! Ask me how I found out!  Measure 3 times! Cut once!20180509_175052

Roofers always like to get creative on high end jobs and I wanted to add a feature that I had seen elsewhere on other structures. This tile is fun to work with no matter if it was 103 in Palm Springs today!20180509_175208

Well that's all for today. I hope you all had as much fun as I did. Any comments or suggestions are always appreciated. 

Next Up...finish the roof. Station platform, planting Palm Trees and more...





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Bigtruckpete and BobbyD, thank you! And thanks to the other folks for the likes and encouragement.

You wouldn't believe how many years this project has been on the back burner. I am having a huge amount of satisfaction working on it. Also learning how to document the project with pictures and words has been alot of fun as well. I just dug in and followed the posting directions on the Forum. Who would have thought? The Forum software makes it super easy to do. 

Thanks again!


Hello All, Lot's going on this weekend so I wanted to update progress to date on the Palm Springs station project.20180510_14152320180510_143750I measured and set up for the roofing tile and installed.20180511_13422520180511_150408I 20180511_15510220180511_162256measured and trimed and painted the facsia boards (out of styrene strips), and installed them.... And measured and trimed and painted the sills. Still more to go, but getting close to starting to let passengers use the station! Stay tuned. As always I welcome your comments and suggestions



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Yup! It's completed! Today was the perfect Southern California day! So the station sign crew and the landscapers came out and worked their magic.20180531_08090820180531_080924You'll notice the addition of planter boxes to accomodate the Palm trees.20180531_102820I made up some terra cotta pots for Hibiscus to give a more finished look...20180601_094531Like I said, the day was perfect and the sun was out so I took these outside shots on our balcony.20180601_094555I know that the original Palm Springs Station was never used by the Santa Fe, so this is for sure a fantasy project. It's ready for business welcoming happy tourists to this desert oasis!20180601_094813

Thank you all for your interest in this project.




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Thank you Pat, Rich and Jimmy!

It was a fun project. My next project is going to be a fantasy version of the Date Growers Cooperative Packing House in Indio California from the same era(late 40's, early 50's).

I have been working on a method of building Palm Trees that gives a very realistic result. I will share a "how-to" with pictures and text on the tree and Packing House project when that gets rolling probably towards the middle of June or so.

One thing is, I am a volunteer Fire Lookout doing shifts up in our local Cleveland National Forest up in a Fire Tower. So sometimes duty gets in the way of trains....

Thanks again to all who shared their input on my thread, it means alot to me.





Last edited by John Meyncke

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