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My "Micro-Nook"

I have constructed many layouts over many years, but this one is the coolest and smallest by far! Measuring 43 inches long by 24 inches wide and framed with 1 by 3s covered with a one-half inch sheet of styrofoam. My Micro-Nook weighs a whopping 5 pounds!

And it is "O" scale (3-rail)! Who said that you need a huge area for O scale? You can carry this layout in one hand! It is highly easily portable!

The best thing is my Micro-Nook is a challenging, interesting switching puzzle. Each of the five (5) track test cars has a different color designation (Thank you Phillip Burnside).

A random method will be developed whereby the layout operator will be directed in which order these cars will be arranged.

So this is a fun and challenging layout; which demonstrates actual railroad operation.

This layout may physically be small in size and light as a feather, but it will provide hours of fun in switching the cars. Friends can compete to see who can put the cars in the correct order in the shortest amount of time.

My Micro-Nook is my Readers Digest version of the standard Inglenook Sidings layout.

I will be adding scenery and a backdrop. Today, it operates via DCS!

This is truly a great Micro-layout. And anyone may have a model railroad. No space is just an excuse. A layout like this may be operated or stored almost anywhere and can be moved in mere seconds!20210610_170012


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