Ok...My turn to "pay it forward". This is open to anyone but please don't "guess/play" if you don't need the items.
So here is the deal. My daughter is expecting our 2nd grandchild on May 27th. So the name of the game "guess the day and time" of birth. Plain and simple.
Closest wins! What do I win you ask?
1) Lionel 494 Rotating Aircraft Beacon. Complete and works great. No box. It has had graphite added to the finger washer and once it gets going works great even at slow rotation speeds.
2)SpecCast 1:50 Semi Tractor (no trailer). White WC Dual rear axles. Orange and Black. New in the package.
3) A few other diecast vehicles.
4) Possibly other scenery detail items I comes across between now and then.
Now for the specifics. You post date and time here in this post. (1 entry per current forum member please. No new members after this posting date will be eligible) Once I know the date and time I will post here. In case anyone is wondering...yes I will add to the post in order to bump it to the top. Once you see the date and time posted, determine how many hours and minutes you are off by and edit your post with that number. I will give it a couple days for everyone to have a chance to edit their original post then declare the winner.
Since this is a celebration type contest there will be no charge charge for shipping to the winner. I will pay for the shipping.
Good luck!