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I have 2 ZW transformers.  There’s an undesirable commingling with the C lever of ZW#1 and the B lever of ZW#2.

I have checked every wire twice, and cannot find anything connected incorrectly on the power side anywhere.

The only thing where there’s overlap of course are the Common posts (ground side).

This problem exclusively involves direct power to 022 switch tracks: the wrong bank of switches gets powered and what’s strange is that the switches and controllers illuminate, but when I try to move the switch, the lights on them dim, but the switch does not move.

If I turn on both transformer levers together, all works fine. Very frustrating.

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FWIW, we had a related problem at out club. Our track was suddenly found connected to accessories bus power with constant 14V. The cause was a partially unplugged track switch aux power connector- such the pin was still making contact, but the cone plastic shape had pulled out and the spring contact was also touching the pin for track power.

Picture showing how the cone plastic outside of the plug springs back the track power contact

However, if it pulls out, there may be a point where the plug is still on the tip of the pin, but allows the track power contact to also make contact to the pin- bridging track power to aux power.

So yes, have seen this first hand.

We used some black cloth electrical tape to hopefully prevent the plugs from pulling out in the future causing the problem again.


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Last edited by Vernon Barry

After unsuccessfully spending many hours trying to sort this out, my next step will be to eliminate one of the two separate circuits that now controls a block of ten 022 switches, and combine these switches with another group of 12 controlled by the existing second circuit. This can easily be done by substituting just one wire from the power source to the circuit block.

Hopefully this is okay to do because I have previously converted all switch and controller bulbs to LED, so the ongoing power draw is minimal. 🤞🤞

@cpasam posted:

This problem exclusively involves direct power to 022 switch tracks: the wrong bank of switches gets powered...

You probably need to clarify this statement.  To me it sounds like the control on one ZW is activating the switches already hooked to the other ZW with only the common as the single point of connections.  Does that one control power all the turnouts when it should only power one bank of them?  Do the turnouts assinged to that ZW work normally, but the ones lit up that should not be lit by that ZW, do not operate, just dim the lamps?  Be sure to check the common connections on all your operating levers, there is a series path for power to flow through both lamps via the connection in the turnout and without that common connection, LED's would probable see that series path as a resistance of no consequence, but if bulbs, they would draw too much current and not light.


It was totally my fault- one wire was erroneously connected into the bank where 10 switches are powered.

I found it by crawling under the table, trying to avoid rug burn, with my able assistant (spouse) monitoring the results as I disconnected one wire at a time. After about the 8th try, success.

I’ll be able to retain the original transformer segregation that I thought would need to be lost.
Strangely, with the “bad” wire removed, everything on the layout still works, so the wire was totally superfluous.

For my information, I’m going to remove it, and trace it back to see where it emanated from.

Thanks to all for your prompt, professional advice.

Here's a thought if the above suggestions don't fix it. If possible disconnect the power to half of one bank of switches, then see if the problem goes away. if not repeat for other banks. At some point you should be able to isolate the problem to one section of one bank. Then reconnect switches from that bank until the problem re-surfaces, and bingo, there is your culprit. If you replace that switch with a spare you can then work with it on the bench to find the root of the problem, referencing the connection diagram above in this post. Hope that helps.

Last edited by Rod Stewart
@cpasam posted:
An accessory (Newsstand) was powered erroneously by each of the two banks that powered the two blocks of switch tracks...

If you have indeed switched over to all LED lamps in the 022 switches & controllers, there would be no need to split your switch power buses into 2 districts. That might simplify your wiring some and open up a throttle tap for adjustable acc voltage for items like the newsstand.

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