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Howdy fellow 0 scalers,

Last week I had the local NMRA group over for a layout tour and had done some work on the layout preceeding the event. I've taken a break from working on the layout but I have not taken videos in a while. Here are a few of the Pocahontas. I posted a video of the Arrow in another thread and another on youtube.



Also, here are some shots of progress on the layout. Pink foam mountains going in. I'm hoping to make much more progress before the 0 Scale National in August. I'm not on the convention committee but my layout will be on the tour. Here is a link for the event.

IMG_9752 LR AIMG_9747 LR AIMG_9746 LR A

Now it is time to get back to working on the layout. Enjoy.



Images (3)
  • IMG_9752 LR A
  • IMG_9747 LR A
  • IMG_9746 LR A
Last edited by christopher N&W
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Guys, thanks for the comments.

My wife and I bought a home in Florida and will be moving gradually.  I am having a building constructed on the new property to house the layout. The builder is preparing to break ground soon. The new building will be a little larger than what I have now and with no support poles (rafters span the whole ceiling), no impeding ductwork, no washer and dryer. It'll be better. Once the building is done, then the layout moves. Once the layout moves, then I move.

I can make a few minor adjustments to the layout that will make it better like adding more train storage and widening one aisle a few feet. Otherwise the layout will be the same. I'm glad I hedged my bets when I built the layout. It took a bit longer to build the layout this way but all of the scenery is liftout and the subroadbed is just scabbed together with Westcott style benchwork. 

Will Ebbert posted:

Interesting texture on the pink foam. Are you roughing it up after cutting with a hot knife or do you cut it with some method that does that?


The tool I use is a 4" rotary wheel paint and rust remover for a drill. The product is from Home Depot. The brand is Gator and it is extra course. I use this to sculpt the moutains along with hand saws.



I hope Amtrak gets you here, too. Whenever you make it, I'll have the layout open for you.

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