As I'm sure most of you guys probably know, national train day is this coming Saturday.
It's actually also my wife's birthday, so no, I had no clue.
In years past, Portland, Oregon had a nice display at the main depot downtown. I drove down to it a couple of time but parking was always a pain. Usually, either SP 4449 or SP&S 700 would show up. A constant parade of freight and passenger traffic through the depot would keep everyone interested and plenty of railroad-related groups had booths and displays inside the waiting room.
I can’t remember the year but it was probably 2013, a group of modelers from Olympia bought out a bunch of seats on the Southbound Cascade that day and arranged for tours of local layouts and hobby shops. I got on at Centralia with a pal of mine and we had a great day, hitting hobby shops, layouts, and later going to Powell’s Books (a must-see for anyone who reads) as well as looking over the trains at the depot, of course. Later that evening we hopped a northbound Cascades, in the lounge car, and returned home. I was very disappointed to find they quit doing that soon afterward and I never got that experience again.