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I am trying to wire an MTH cantilever signal to a length of track within one of my insulated track blocks.  I'm using Atlas 3 rail track and have successfully wired MTH crossing gates to a Lionel activation device within that same track block.  The MTH cantilever signal has a red and black wire that normally I would wire to an insulated track to activate it - I don't see how I can do that within an insulated section of track.  I might be overlooking something very obvious so I need some input on solving this wiring dilemma.



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 I  understand your problem (not sure how to fix though)-- An insulated section with in a insulated section.   Perhaps a second relay to keep the first insulated section  activated with  the crossing gate circuit.   What you don't want is... the train coming along , activating the gates then  having the gates go back up and down  and the signals going from clear to red etc.   It's tricky.




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