That article was very helpful and enabled me to understand the how of the operation. I still have a problem on putting the parts together. Is there a later version difference ?
My station is the plastic building version. The reproducer has a speaker cone and no horn. Is somethin gmissing, or is this a new version ?
I can place the reproducer on the cradle and see the cam action but gravity isn't enough to hold it down. There is a two inch spring on the base that will reach to a nub on the reproducer, but ti's so tight that I don't see how the record grooves will pull the needle against it.
The needle seems to be at about a 45 degree angle with the record. Is that about what it should be ?
The nut and wahser that hold the record platter are missing. I suspect any nut and washer would do, but can someone tell me the screw thred size ? IT's smaller than a #4. Maybe I can find something in my old HO parts collection.
I'd appreciate any advice in answer to these questions before I make an attempt to run the mechanism with a record.
MAlcolm Laugjlin