Just want to confirm I am doing things correctly. (I am using MTH/DCS, and not as familiar with TMCC/Legacy as I would like to be.)
Here's the situation, have a new ZW-L and ZW-C transformers, and a Legacy system. The requirement is to run BOTH Conventional and TMCC/Legacy on the layout using the Cab-2 controllers.
So.... I have programmed the ZW-L with A handle as 1. So that the handles could vary track power to Tracks 1, 2, & 3. I have left the ZW-C transformer in the default condition so that each leg could be adjusted to a constant output, to accommodate switches, lights, accessories, etc. And not need adjusting, or being used for train operation.
So when it comes to operation this is what is necessary;
1. Turn Layout ON
2. Select "Track 1" and turn the Red dial up to 18v.
3. Select "Track 2" and turn the Red dial up to 18v.
4. Select "Track 4" and turn the Red dial up to 18v. (Only have 3 seperate tracks defined, and in order to have use of the Horn and Bell functions in Conventional mode those Tracks have to be assigned to tracks 1 or 4 on the transformer, or Handles A & D).
Then for Conventional Use.
1. Turn Layout ON
2. Select which ever Track is going to be used, put the conventional engine on it, and increase the voltage slowly with the CAB 2.
IF want to run both at the same time on DIFFERENT Tracks, then select that appropriate track on the Cab 2, and crank the power up to 18 v. Then select the Engine ID and proceed.
So the bottom line is that in order to have the Conventional capability while using the CAB2, you MUST bring each track up every time you want to run TMCC/Legacy. Correct? (To bad you can't just select the Track # on the Cab2 and Choose Fixed or Variable.)
Thanks for any comments.