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Alex M posted:

Hello everyone,

      First i just wanted to thank all of you for the kind words and encouragement, It was a ton of fun to work on my own layout for once. But i also very much enjoy working on everyone else's projects. Today will be one more day on this bridge project, then it will be back to my regular work.

     As mentioned above, John S  is a fantastic bridge builder and i couldn't be happier!!!!!!!! THANK YOU

     Track spacing is 6 inches on center in the bridge area, that spacing does change around different parts of the layout. It's pretty much 5 inches around the rest of the layout.

 Thanks, Alex


Good progress Alex, as the others mentioned a very nice bridge too.

With that track spacing you can run anything without side swipes?

bluelinec4 posted:
Alex M posted:
Paul Kallus posted:

Nice work, Alex.

What is that nice truss bridge made out of?

Hi Paul,  the bridge is made out of MDF Medium Density Fiber Board.

Its not MDF    Its called tempered hardboard.  Similar to Masonite but has finished sides on both

No it's not !! It's a hat pin box made with 2000 matchsticks glued together. 

Sorry Ben I meant to say Masonite, but I'm so exhausted I said MDF. That goes to show you how tired I am, I've been working with both types of material for many years. 


Alex M posted:
bluelinec4 posted:
Alex M posted:
Paul Kallus posted:

Nice work, Alex.

What is that nice truss bridge made out of?

Hi Paul,  the bridge is made out of MDF Medium Density Fiber Board.

Its not MDF    Its called tempered hardboard.  Similar to Masonite but has finished sides on both

No it's not !! It's a hat pin box made with 2000 matchsticks glued together. 

Sorry Ben I meant to say Masonite, but I'm so exhausted I said MDF. That goes to show you how tired I am, I've been working with both types of material for many years. 


Its a bowling ball bag


Richard Gonzales posted:


Very nice work!

The Casey Jones High Railers are also in the process of adding a bridge with a water feature on our club layout. Our bridge also came from the NJ High Railers - I think.


I am sending a link to your post to our group so we can keep up with your progress and pick up an idea or two

Thanks and take care,



Yes that bridge did come from us but we didn't build it.  Bernie Winkler (scratchbuiler148 on the forum) built that one.  It used to be a double decker bridge  I see you removed the upper level.  Only reason we got rid of that one was the clearance problem on the two levels.  Looks better with just the one level.  We replaced that one bridge with two immense 6 foot long bridges.  Included a pic of your bridge before you got it 536735_10150817474473616_1027970242_n



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Alex M posted:
jpc posted:


who makes the tug, and at what scale

fun to watch

thank you


Hi Jerry,

The tug is from Lionel, I'm really not sure of the scale. My guess is 1:43 scale.

Thanks, Alex


It's looking great. That tug is so nice I bought another one. Go figure. Now I need to figure out how to fit it in.


Hello everyone, once again I thank you all for the nice comments, input, and interest. !!!!!

Capt. John, yes i found the SS car from a great guy in Minnesota.

Richard, that's a beautiful bridge, leave it to the NJ-Hirailers to have a beautiful bridge!!!!

Alan, one roundhouse is mine the other is for a customer.

Randy, yes there will be some sort of cat walk, in the future.

Coach Joe,  Yes there's a seem in the bottom base, this won't matter because I'm going to try something different. I'm going to use a standard 3 Mil contractor garbage bag crumpled up and then i will pour epoxy over it. I will do a test section first and see how it looks.  See photo below.

Thanks, Alex





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mytrains posted:

Alex, I have 2 industrial size plastic bags that are pale green and light blue. they are translucent also so different features painted on the base will show through slightly.

That sounds even better, I sometime before i get to adding water. My next step will be to build the bulkhead and some kind of rock support formation for bridge supports. Next time i see you I'll get the bags from you. Once i have all the bags I'll test each one and will see which looks best.



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