Hi Everybody-- Well, I am trying to get back to working on my Layout once again. In the first photo, the elevated line terminates in a stub-end trolley terminal. In the 2nd photo, a bypass track branches away from the elevated Trolley Terminal and runs over to a dead-end bumper. That track will cross over to a 6-foot by 9-inch platform in front of the fireplace for storage of more Trolleys.
In the 3rd photo, the 27-inch Trolley Loop now has a RH remote-switch I installed today on the Fastrak section just before the Loop. Trolleys, Heavy-Electrics and other motive power will eventually leave the end of the Loop in the Living Room and head into the new Yard in the Dining Room. Congratulate me, fellas !! Suzie gave me the real estate this past weekend. That's why that access switch got put in today !
I'm thinking about extending eventually into the kitchen using a carved out loaf of bread as a tunnel !! NO--just kidding ! (grin)