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Has anyone compared the Lionel Legacy K4 with the MTH Proto Sound 3 K4 in person? Aside from the obvious preferences for price (purchased with a passenger set, the MTH is a better deal,) color (the Lionel tuscan red is prototypically questionable,) minimum curve (all of the MTH models except the streamlined version handle O48,) and control system, which is the better engine in terms of quality and detail? Of course, they are probably very similar in regards to quality and detail, but has anyone noticed any differences slight or major? Thanks!

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Originally Posted by pennsyk4:
Originally Posted by Chuck Sartor:

According to PRR Guru, Al Staufer in his book Pennsy Power out of 500+ K-4s, at one time 3 were painted Tuscan to match the heavyweight cars on the Broadway.

Show me a color photograph of a Tuscan K4s

I have read in several references that the story of a Tuscan K4s is incorrect.

What are you talking about there is one right here!!!

  Can't you see it?!





Images (1)
  • 800px-PRR-K4s-Aberdeen
Originally Posted by RickO:

Oh, and the 1:1 k4, the rods sound like Santa's sleighbells

Just remember, it is always better to hear the rods, than it is to smell them!


Thanks for that nice video, brings back memories; the darned stoker screw broke as we departed Altoona, and we had to hand fire her all the way over and back to Altoona.

Originally Posted by Hot Water:
Originally Posted by RickO:

Oh, and the 1:1 k4, the rods sound like Santa's sleighbells

Just remember, it is always better to hear the rods, than it is to smell them!


Thanks for that nice video, brings back memories; the darned stoker screw broke as we departed Altoona, and we had to hand fire her all the way over and back to Altoona.

How was it hand firing the K4? 

Originally Posted by PennsyPride94:

How was it hand firing the K4? 

Not too bad (plus I was 26 years younger then), since only the stoker auger was non-functional, i.e. the steam distributing table, just inside the fire door, still worked fine. All one had to do was shovel the coal up off the deck plate and place each scoop full on the distributing table, making sure you stepped on the air treadle that opened the butterfly fire doors prior to throwing the scoop full of coal. The weather was pretty cool & rainy too as I recall.

Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

Well, the Lionel Legacy K4 has whistle steam, I don't think the MTH one does.   You're saying with a set, what specific model from MTH are you talking about?

Thanks for the replies! Here are the links to the sets:



Red Arrow

Non-cataloged Streamlined


The MTH website states the sets need a minimum curve of O42, but I find that questionable. Also, I read somewhere that the streamlined version needs O72, which is very likely given the clearance between the engine and tender on that model. Also, I believe the specs for the Lionel K4 which is currently available, is O72, so maybe the front truck wheels are different from previous ones..? BTW, I am enjoying the slightly off thread comments very much and would be happy with more. Knowing if the 80' driver issue has been corrected or not on the MTH units would be good. Thanks again.

Last edited by farwest

Lionels K4 is rated for O-36, as is MTH's 'high rail version".


The radius restrictions given on the sets are stipulated by the cars more than the loco. The k4 is a short wheelbase steamer and can negotiate tighter radius than an 18"  scale passenger car.  


Having said that, the loco will look better than the cars going around the O42 minimum if thats what you have. An 18" passenger car will have severe over hang and look a bit silly making that turn.



I run my k4 on my O-48 loop and pull the 15"railking passenger cars instead as they look better going around the turns.




Also, I read somewhere that the streamlined version needs O72, which is very likely given the clearance between the engine and tender on that model.

The scale "Torpedo" streamlined K4s locomotives require O72 because the low shrouding in the front keeps the pilot truck from swinging very far.  I have the Weaver version and it definitely needs O72, it derails on O70.



Originally Posted by Bob:

Also, I read somewhere that the streamlined version needs O72, which is very likely given the clearance between the engine and tender on that model.

The scale "Torpedo" streamlined K4s locomotives require O72 because the low shrouding in the front keeps the pilot truck from swinging very far.  I have the Weaver version and it definitely needs O72, it derails on O70.



I have the MTH K4 that is SL. It runs and looks great. Good chuff, great smoke but the whistle is just so-so. If it had a better whistle it would be a killer. 


I have run mine on O60 and it is just fine.

Originally Posted by Modelrailroader:


That was one fantastic video on the Lionel K4, very nice layout indeed.

Sure makes me want to buy one.

Thanks but no thanks. That video actually belongs to another forum member, not sure if he goes by the same Pgh Train fanatic name that he uses for the video.


He has done several video demonstrations of Lionel locos, they are all first rate.

Link copied to your clipboard.