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I know this is a work in progress but to date I'm not very happy with the access to resources (parts, manuals, videos) on the new site.  There were upgrades to manuals in the old site that are not available in the new site (i.e. CSM2 manual; there is a 2021 update but the 2018 version is the only one available).  There were resources available for certain items that now have nothing.

I know this step change to the Lionel site is difficult, and progress has been made since originally launched, but the site requires a lot more content work and common sense links back to

Anyone else have comments on the new Support Site?

Original Post

A definite step backwards!  Lots of stuff got lost in the conversion, and the parts search sucks!  You used to be able to enter a partial part number and it would come up with all the parts that had that content.  Then you could narrow the search.  Now you type in a partial part number and it's a crap-shoot what will come up.  Frequently, nothing comes up.  However, I typed in PCB1 and a few things came up, nothing I really expected.  I expected a ton of stuff, lots of things have that as part of the part number.  I can type in a specific number like 691PCB1038, and I find it.  However, if I type only part of the number who knows what I find...

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