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Hi guys

I`m new to the hobbie and need some advice with a new PSX-1ACPSX-1AC I bought a few days ago for maximun protection . Problem is when I test the unit to see how it work it behave as it should but the spark is so big that it  leaves a mark on the track (it melt the track). I connected the unit between the TIU and the transformer and is jumped for 8.0 amps. I'm not sure if this a normal behavior I don`t want to melt my brand new DCS system.


Thanks in advanced


Images (1)
  • PSX-1AC
Last edited by truefranco
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Hi True,

I am not sure why you need 8 amps. Are you running a lot of lighted cars or dual motored pulmor engines? 8 amps is enough to leave a mark.

Anyway, the test should only be a quick touch across the rails. Like a car derailed. The first touch should kick it.

It appears that you have the jumper in the correct terminals. Check to make sure J3 & 4 are not jumpered. That would set it at 15 amps.

Are you sure that you have the hot & common correct? In and Out. It's easy to cross up speaker wire.

Edit: Just for ha-ha s , connect the PSX directly to the track and try the short test. I am curious if the TIU would delay the reaction.





Images (1)
  • PSX_AC1
Last edited by Moonman

I have been using the PSX-ACs for a few years now. They work great! The only time I ever got sparks like that is when I shorted one at the output terminals. I use a small jumper wire, touch one end to one rail and then just quickly drag the other end across the other rail. Moonman is correct about the 'quick touch'. The PSX trips instantly with almost no sparking. I seldom, if ever see sparks when I have a derailment.

I am using Lionel PH-180s for power and also have the PSX-ACs set for 8 amps. It is true that the PSX-ACs will interfere with the DCS signal so they need to be on the TIU inputs. You can put them on the TIU outputs, but you will need to add an appropriately sized 22 uh choke. That solved the interference problems for one of our forum members.

Thanks, that was very kind. Had to go get my book, but terminal 1 & 2 jumpered on J6 is 8 amps. The picture appears to show the correct jumper for 8 amps. There is also a 4 amp setting which is the default with no jumpers (and also a 12 amp and 15 amp setting). I believe it was CapPilot that had 2 PH-180s, T400 and was using the 15 amp setting, he required the large choke that GRJ helped with.

I guess the next question would be what is being used for power here?

FWIW, I have never tested my PSX-ACs with anything but the PH-180s and the 8 amp setting. This combo has worked out very well for me at these settings. However, I'm not sure what happens when you set the PSX to 12 amps (next upward setting) with the PH-180? Also, I am not sure what would happen with the 8 amp setting being used with a lower amperage power supply like a Z1000, Z750 or Z500 brick? 

Ah, you posted while I was looking for my directions. See my post above.  With a Z1000 you might want to try the 4 amp setting on the PSX, no jumpers and see what results you get.

I have not had the sparks when testing the PSX with a short wire and a piece of track. Only time I got a big park was when I applied the jumper directly to the output terminals of the PSX. That was similar to the big sparks in your video. Only tried that once!!

Last edited by rtr12

It could be that large blade, I guess? I have never tried anything like that here.

Also, I think the 4 amp setting would definitely be worth trying. If it works and you can run everything you want without it tripping then just leave it there and you will be fine. As I said, mine are set about 2 amps below my maximum power available and it all works great here and has been for a few years now. I believe there are quite a few forum members using the PSXs.

The PSX-ACs are great breakers and I hope they work out for you. Also, I don't know where you got them, but Tony's Train Exchange is quite knowledgeable on these devices, should you need technical assistance. They are mostly DCC folks, but still pretty sharp on all the DCC Specialties items.

Good Luck!!

Good catch- the Z-1000 is a 5-5.5 amp max - so the 4.8amp setting on the PSX won't hurt performance a lot.

One more question - did you use the MTH adapter cable 50-1017 to connect the Z-1000 brick to PSX . Check the TIU manual for the hook up.

The controller shouldn't be in the mix. You need to adapt from the 50-1017 bananas to something suitable for the PSX connection.

I believe the barrel jack of the Z-1000 is hot outside. The controller or the adapter accounts for that. Center pin is common.

if you clipped the barrel off, the smooth wire is hot. I suggest that you leave it on.


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