New O scale flatcar model idea for manufacturers?
Here are photos of the EXACTRAIL HO scale depressed center flatcar. Does anyone manufacture this car in O scale?
Prototype data from ExactRail:
General Steel Industries (GSI) offered one-piece cast-steel underframes in which the sill, body bolsters, cross bearers, draft pockets, couplers and carriers were combined into a single steel casting. These underframes were popular for Depressed Center Flats because the design maximized load strength while minimizing vertical height of fabricated underframes.
Generally designed with a specialty commodity in mind, Depressed Center Flat Cars are unique. In addition to the GSI cast steel designs, Depressed Center Flats were frequently fabricated by a railroad's home shop and familiar builders — such as Thrall, and were also built by a host of specialty builders, such as Maxson, Norca and Kasgro.