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I am constructing two harbor cranes for one of my customers. I had made two similar cranes in 2010  but because I do not like building the exact same structure again  i am changing the design a little. Here are some pictures.20191226_08572020191231_10550020191231_10564020191231_11015920191231_11190920191231_11253620191231_121141


Images (7)
  • 20191226_085720
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  • 20191231_112536
  • 20191231_121141
Last edited by Alan Graziano
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

coach joe posted:

Alan are the clear cross braces on bottom level a different material?  is there a reason for using clear?

I'll let Alan answer for his project, but I just used a piece of clear plastic on my own scratch build. It was the right thickness and type of plastic that I didn't have in Plastruct. Once I painted it, you wouldn't know it was a different material.


Coach, I did what George described. The clear beams were just a part of Plastruct materials that I acquired a number of years ago. I think the material is clear butyrate or abs. 


You are correct,I will edit the main post whenever I post pictures in he future. 

Thank you all for you interest in this project. As I said, I am modifying my original construction to make it more interesting to construct.

third rail posted:

Nice job Alan, thanks for the photo updates.  BTW, could you post a picture of  the harbor area  where these will sit? 


Alan is building these for me.  I can not post a picture of the harbor area, because it does not exist yet.  It will be built around these incredible models.  I will start a thread once construction of that begins, but it will be a while before that starts.


The cranes are starting to look like something after the painting has started. I decided to use two different shades of blue to simulate some aging of the paint. I also decided to paint the bottom section gray. I can't win with spray paint anymore. Krylon has taken out all the pigment in the paint meaning multiple coats. Rustoleum painters touch has spray nozzles that can only be used once and then clog up.20200118_07550820200118_10051120200118_10234620200118_11055520200118_11063220200118_11064620200119_08085420200119_09001720200119_09571820200119_09572420200119_095733


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I am working on the dreaded lights for the cranes. It is sometimes difficult for me to incorporate the lights into the structure as I am building it. Typically, I end up installing lights on the painted structure. This always brings up challenges of damaging the paint and the structure itself. Here are a couple of pictures showing the wiring in progress and some of the materials.20200207_19025520200207_19025920200207_190333


Images (3)
  • 20200207_190255
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