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Hi folks,


This is just a quick post here as I want to start a thread showing various phases of the "Scenery and structure" portion of the new Spruce Coal & Timber layout.

Some that follow on Facebook are up to date but I wanted to keep my good friends here at O Gauge Railroading in the loop.


Of-course , it's in a state of "mess" as this is the initial construction phases and the rough draft so to speak. 


Layout is still O Scale 1:48 and On30 gauge, rebuilt and improved to accommodate larger locomotives - 
The layout consists of 4 portable sections on perma-storage-carts with a 2 piece staging yard bridge in backside on non scenery portion.

The layout is actually 2 dioramas so to speak that can be moved about for photography and such.
Layout measures 15x5
DCC with all sound locomotives


As I said, this is a quick post. I will try to follow up regularly with photos and info to show how it goes from this mess to a finished layout.

OF COURSE I am filming video and shooting photos.


For now, here is an overview of the actual 200" backdrop that will be used. If you remember the old layout and backdrop, this is a similar spin off. One of the original backdrops is mounted on the garage wall. We are building it here in the small garage. That control panel image is the actual control panel image I have created and will use for the Touch Togggle Controls that you may remember from one of our recent videos. If not, see our facebook page or Youtube page.


The other images are just that - Rough draft first phase stuff. Dont mind the mess



I know the image below is small, I didn't want to stretch the forum and it will only show a small size in the forum

but here is a link to a larger version for those that are interested. ---> LARGER IMAGE BACKDROP PREVIEW






Last edited by Joey_Ricard
Original Post

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Post By Joey_Ricard: New Spruce Coal & Timber LayoutLooks fantastic, as all of your efforts do Joey, keep up the good work, and keep us posted.............Brandy!
----- Original Message -----
From: O Gauge Railroading On Line Forum
To: Brandy
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 8:05 AM
Subject: Post By Joey_Ricard: New Spruce Coal & Timber Layout



I hate to say it (sort of) but everything from the old layout will be on this layout plus some new stuff. Unfortunately I really weighed selling the other layout, all parts and realized that there was no way that I could get everything done by train show season, especially when you consider build time of structures. So with a sad but happy face I am working at fever pitch to get the new one done.


I actually have all the structures sitting on it right now.



Looks great, all ways enjoy your photos and videos.  I need to look up your facebook page and subscribe to see the progress. One question, what kind of track are you using for the On30, we are building a new layout and it will have On3o line on it as well as 2 3-rails and a 009 gauge.  The On30 is new to us but excited to add it to our collection.  Nick  

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