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I am not sure of where this foil was mentioned on this forum but, whoever mentioned it,THANK YOU.

I have an American Flyer tender that had a hole in the coal pile and I wanted to plug it and maintain the texture of the pile, the foil did the trick.

I put a small piece of the foil on the pile and pressed it in to get the texture. I moved it over the hole and fastened it down with some Gorilla tape, then turned it over and used JB Weld to fill the hole.

I set it aside overnight, the next day I was a little apprehensive as I went to remove the tape an foil. Not to worry, the foil came way cleanly and I was left with a nearly invisible patch, a little paint touch up and a usable tender shell.

Just want to thank whoever it was that mentioned the foil.


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Interesting that you mention silicone.   I have put a super light coat of silicon spray on metal that I have used as "molds", and rubbed it in with my fingers to get it down in the metal and evenly coated, and used the molds to caste pieces from JB Weld, and the JB Weld did not stick.  But, I was using the stick version of JB Weld, which has a putty consistency and hardens in about 5 minutes.   It may well work for the liquid two part JB Weld mix, but I have not tried it.   

When I have used the stick version of PC Woody, I have even used a light coat of Pam spray, and it did not stick.

These epoxies cure by the chemical reaction created by the two part chemicals that get mixed together, much like cement, and they really don't care much about what is around the mix.  Just keep you layers of silicone or oil super thin, so they don't get mixed into the mix.

If you are trying to caste into a mold that has enclosed sides, you big problem is that the epoxy expands as it cures, and will get very tight against the mold, so you have to be prepared to cut the mold off, or time things so that just before the stuff fully cures, you get it out of the mold.

You can also mold things from AccraGlass Gel, a fabulous old product sold by, which can be colored either black or brown.   A dye pack is included. It is an extremely hard plastic/polymer type of mix.   A bit expensive though.  (A "release agent" paste is included in the package if you don't want it to stick to something.)



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