NoNEC TCA Fall train show with all scales present. Exhibitor table, operating layouts, railroadiana items. Food available on premises.
Meet folks, discuss trains and other railroad items; added advantage-- no sales tax on purchases.
Saturday, November 3, 2018; 1000AM to 300PM
Dover (NH) Lodge of Elks #184, 282 Durham Road, Dover NH 03820
Cost: $5.00 per family. General public invited
Directions: From Boston, MA Area: I-95 North to New Hampshire Exit 4 (RT16 N Spaulding Turnpike-White Mtns) Proceed on RT16 N; take Exit 7 then left onto RT 108 toward Durham, NH. Go 1.8 miles and Hall is on left.
Additional info: Contact Ed Martin, Show Manager, at or at 603-362-4300. Check with Ed for table availability at this time. Exhibitor tables are $25.00 including entrance fee.