Noticed I was not receiving any email from OGR for the last couple of days and started going into withdrawal. After digging around in my spam folders and the OGR settings I found the box "Suspend All Email Notifications" was checked. I have not been into that area since I set up the preferences years ago. So I do not think it was anything I did on my end. I presume the only way to change this is to actually check the box. Something goofy is going on here. I've unchecked the box and will see if notices come through again. My power company recently did an audit and decided to stop my autopay. Huh? I guess they did not want to get paid on time. Wondering if crowdstack did something which pushed the switch.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
This happened to me several months ago. With the cursor, hover over your OGR profile name. Go to Your Settings and click. To the left is another menu. Click on Notifications. At the top of the Notifications page, there are 2 tabs, Follows and Settings. Click on Settings. Scroll down the Settings page to the Miscellaneous Heading and check to see if the Suspend All Email Notifications is selected. If so, click on it to deselect it. That should take care of your problem.
Randy, already did the uncheck, just prior to finding your post. None of my email devices phone, tablet nor desktop are receiving notices as of this Evening. Maybe the change takes overnight to reset.
Just unchecking the master notifications setting may not be enough. If that setting changed all by itself, something clobbered your notification settings. therefore it's possible that you may not have anything set to be notified about.
You should check ALL your notification settings to be sure you have notifications set for the forums or threads you are interested in.
Rich, I finally got back to my desktop to check everything. Looks like all the notices are still in place - however I unchecked and rechecked several to see if that works.
I also checked my "blocked sender" list and that is fine as well.
Odd thing - on my smart phone when I tried to login I was unable to so and when I asked for a password reset, a message came back showing my email address was not registered with OGR. I appear to be logged in on the desktop. Something is amiss here.
I'll see if any of the unchecked and rechecked topics pop up tomorrow.
@ScoutingDad posted:...Odd thing - on my smart phone when I tried to login I was unable to so and when I asked for a password reset, a message came back showing my email address was not registered with OGR. I appear to be logged in on the desktop. Something is amiss here.
What is "amiss" is that you used two different email addresses.
You used an email address on the desktop that is linked with your account here, and another email address on the phone that is not used here. You have to use the same email address on all your devices.
Rich, I think the email alerts just started working again. I logged into my yahoo email account through FireFox on my desktop. (I rarely use FireFox relying primarily on Google Chrome). While Yahoo Email thru Chrome showed no OGR emails in SPAM, Yahoo Email through FireFox showed every OGR email alert since Nov 8 in the SPAM folder. Clicked those as "not SPAM" and then all the OGR emails in Google Chrome showed up.
I would have thought Yahoo Email was independent of browser used. Seems to be correct because when I corrected the block in FireFox it simultaneously corrected it in Chrome. Now the question is why did the emails not show up in the Yahoo/Chrome browser in the SPAM folder like they did in the Yahoo/FireFox browser.
I could not have accidently marked an ORG email as SPAM in the FireFox browser because I only used that browser for my on-line work activities. I had to enter my Yahoo account credentials to get into my email through FireFox this morning. Really frustrating because one of the first things I checked was things going into the SPAM folder. What a round about way to fix the problem.
I should be more specific here - every email through crowdstack was identified as SPAM. The couple of emails announcing the OGR YouTube channel came through fine.
I would NEVER use Chrome for anything.
Google installs all kinds of additional software on your machine when you install Chrome. That browser also tracks every web site you visit and reports that data back to Google. And you cannot shut that off. It is a huge invasion of your privacy. I have used Firefox for years without any issues at all.
While you can use a web browser to get your email, I find it much easier to use a dedicated web client like Thunderbird for my email. Instructions for setting up your email with Thunderbird are HERE.
@Rich Melvin posted:I would NEVER use Chrome for anything.
I have one use for Chrome, when I have a problem with a site with Firefox, I try Chrome to see if it's something in my configuration or elsewhere.
Well, I just noticed a couple of days ago, that I am not getting Email notifications when someone posts to a topic I am subscribed to. I have not done anything to my settings.
@mowingman Jeff check your email accounts with different browsers. Chrome just stopped showing OGR crowdstack emails as spam. Best I can figure Chrome made the change. I found the problem using the Firefox browser. Look for emails going to SPAM folders.
I looked at using Thunderbird as my email client. As far as I understand Thunderbird will download emails to your hard drive which I believe removes it from the web servers. I lost a bunch of email that way years ago when I lost access to Outlook and could no longer open the email files. Jeff
I’ve used Thunderbird for many years and love it.
How the mail is handled depends on how your email account is set up on the email server. There are two methods:
- POP3 - Post Office Protocol
This is an older method, but it is still used today by many people. With POP mail, the mail is downloaded to your computer and removed from the server. POP mail is usually set up to be accessed by a single device. It is possible to access POP email from multiple devices, but the main email device must be set up to remove the mail from the server, while the auxiliary devices must be set up to leave the mail on the server. Clumsy and potentially confusing, but it works. - IMAP - Internet Mail Access Protocol
IMAP is a more modern protocol. With IMAP, the mail is downloaded to your device, but it remains on the server, too. The advantage to this is that since the mail remains on the server, you can easily access it from multiple devices. The disadvantage to this protocol is that if you delete a message on one device, it is deleted everywhere, INCLUDING the server. One has to be very careful when deleting IMAP email.
Well its happening again. This time neither is being blocked as Spam. I am using Yahoo email on Chrome and Firefox browsers. Have changed nothing. Any ideas? Jeff
I am considering changing to my gmail account but giving Google more of my info seems wrong.
Nothing has changed here, and no one else has filed any complaints.
If you are using Chrome, you have already given Google your info, and they know about all the web sites you visit. The privacy concerns in that browser are notable. You may as well set up a Gmail account and use that.
Rich thanks for the reply. Turns out my incoming notifications box was checked. I did not do this, even accidentally. Took me awhile to figure out where this page was. I assume this will correct the problem.
Yes, I started having this problem a week or so ago.
All of my settings on the forum are correct. I use Microsoft EDGE. Never had an issue before
Well, I am not getting notices again, and haven't for some time. I am using an AOL account and Google as my browser. I just decided it was not worth worrying about, since I check this site every couple of hours during the day. Life is too short to worry about all the crazy things our computers do. ( As long as they stay out of my bank accounts).
Jeff, my OGR notices setting was checked to "stop". No idea on why. When the notices started going through Yahoo decided they were spam. Corrected that now, maybe the issue is cleared up.
Yeah I tried to remember to login to OGR to see notices, that is OK but I have to open each one to check. At least Yahoo previews the email so I can read and delete without opening. Jeff
@Lionelski John check your spam folder, the mail services arbitrarily decide crowdstack is a spam source and block or direct mail to your spam folder.
As of January 5th I stopped receiving the Daily email update from the forum. As thoughts on what is amiss here.
Check your notification settings. Nothing has changed here.
Thanks. I checked my settings before I sent my message. The settings looked Ok.
I haven't gotten any notifications for a long time. I just gave up on that feature. I figure I'll see anything new when I click on the website. Oh Well!!
Been down this road several times. See earlier posts. Check you spam folder, check notice preferences on OGR, try using another browser to log into your email. All have caused me to experience loss of notices. Jeff
Guys...I feel your frustration! Same thing has happened to me several times yet nothing has changed on this end. If we find out anything, we will let you know.
I used as my mail domain for the last 2-3 years. The OGR mail stopped all of a sudden. I'm a 40 year computer professional, so I should be able to figure this out. Nope. The best I could figure is either crowdstack changed something in their email headers, or AT&T added some additional checks. I'll never know. I ended up getting an email address with, and it's worked ever since. I only use that address for this forum.
A very common reason for this problem is an overly aggressive spam cop at your email provider. For some reason they decide that email sent from here is spam and they stop it. We have no control over this.
Yep, Same here when using Several weeks ago I changed to for email, then last week the Notifications stopped!
Alert says to "Verify Email Address" But the verification won't go through! Not even in Spam folder.
I guess I'll have to try
AT&T has been one of the worst offenders. They are way to aggressive with their spam filtering.
FWIW- Gmail has never given me a problem in all the years I've been a Forum member.
@DENIS ORAVEC 110218 posted:As of January 5th.....
IT shops frequently make big changes over holidays because it gives you extra time to fix bugs etc. My guess is that different software providers, like big email ones, put in new security updates over New Years.
Add OGR emails addresses to your Safe Senders list would be my suggestion.