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What is this?  Take a look at the windshield.  See the lines towards the bottom of the front windshield?  I noticed it on the E8 pictures others posted, but because I never saw a comment from anyone, I thought It might not look as bad in person.  I waited for mine to arrive.  It's horrible,  you can even see see the lines in the side windows.


That windshield is outrageous.  The Lionel employee that signed off on this part didn't do his job.  That part (the windshield glass) should never gone into production.  Have you ever seen a real E8 like that?  That was a very bad casting and it ruins the look of the engine.  Shame on you.  




This is what an E unit windshield should look like. (The engine on the left.)




Images (2)
  • IMG_0013
  • CBQ
Last edited by marker
Original Post

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The windshield doesn't look good, but at least Lionel didn't stick the windshield on the outside of the car like their aluminum passenger cars.


Here's two more items Lionel could have done better.




Is this a step box so the headlight can be accessed and cleaned? In any case its about twice as wide as it should be.




The mini step at the rear of the engine looks ridiculous. I'm sure Lionel did this so the step wouldn't interfere with the coupler swing on O36 curves. However, how much would it have cost to include an extra set of scale steps for those of us that are operating on wider curves?






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  • IMG_2212
  • IMG_2213

Well, that's odd.


Just looked at my K-Line E-8 "Jades", and they do indeed appear (they are on a shelf right now) to have a similar ridge on the windshield "glass" - except that it is down at the bottom of the piece, resting on the bodywork, as it should be. Essentially invisible.

A positioning feature, I guess.


See - buying diesels just leads to trouble.

Last edited by D500
Originally Posted by Hot Water:
Originally Posted by RD:

It looks like they used an old F3 windshield... like they reached in the wrong parts bin!

You mean F3, or any F unit for that matter, has different windshield glass than E units?

Jack if I remember didn't the old pre scale Lionel Fs have really narrow windshields? That's what I meant.. I have no idea if they are different in real life...

What do expect from a toy company?

I assume you are joking, I've always enjoyed your posts.


The answer to that is Lionel's Standard O line has produced some fine products.  I always thought Lionel did a bang up job on the Standard O engines I've purchased. 


This is the first one with a stupid mistake.  Lionel should man-up and recast that windshield.  For me I would be happy to BUY a new one.  I don't know if they could absorb the cost, and what's $2 or $3 bucks.  I have some extra F3 windshields and plan on seeing if I can get one to work.


Originally Posted by kanawha:

The windshield doesn't look good, but at least Lionel didn't stick the windshield on the outside of the car like their aluminum passenger cars.


Here's two more items Lionel could have done better.




Is this a step box so the headlight can be accessed and cleaned? In any case its about twice as wide as it should be.




The mini step at the rear of the engine looks ridiculous. I'm sure Lionel did this so the step wouldn't interfere with the coupler swing on O36 curves. However, how much would it have cost to include an extra set of scale steps for those of us that are operating on wider curves?





That's a buffer plate, and yes, it's too wide.  It should be just about or a tad wider than the nose door:


EMD E8 C&O 4016


The short steps on the rear are just plain sad.




Images (1)
  • EMD E8 C&O 4016
Last edited by Rusty Traque
Originally Posted by TheBigCrabCake:

That's pretty bad! How did they miss that one. It looks like the E8 is wearing "Bi-focals".



Well, it is an old engine, may be it needs a Bi focal to see well


Seriously though, I do hope you find  a solution so you are happy with your Expensive Scale loco. Of course let us know how it goes. Give Lionel a chance to resolve it.



I've been waiting for a pair of Santa Fe E8s for a long time. Don't care for the MTH/DCS versions. The K-Line version didn't always do the yellow nose strip right. So I pre ordered the Legacy engines last April.


I got mine a couple weeks ago... NEVER even opened them... sent them back.


I had not seen anyone point out the window before, but that's just ANOTHER reason mine went back. I had seen various photos of them after other members received theirs, and already made up my mind.


1. bad windows 


2. No B units


3. Only 1 powered A available


4. those stupid stubby steps on the rear


5. the body is too narrow


6. the pilot doesn't fit the body... cuz the body is too narrow


7. silver paint instead of simulated stainless panels


8. big gap between the frame and body


9. same old truck mounted side steps


10. ridiculous ice breakers on the roof


I didn't post anything about it prior as I wasn't going to go off on a rant about them... I just sent them back. I've had enough of the errors and compromises. I'm not going to spend a ton of time and money to correct them any more.


I'll just wait until someone decides to do them right... no big deal.   

Last edited by Former Member

I didn't post anything about it prior as I wasn't going to go off on a rant about them

As you know I switched to 2 rail.  I bought the Lionel Wabash version because for a number of reasons, mostly sentimental.  It will probably be my last new Lionel engine.  It represents a lot of things, but mostly an engine that I saw roll by just a few feet from where I stood on many occasions.  I rode the Blue Bird many times from St. Louis to Chicago and back many times in the mid to late 50's and early 60's.  Christmas 1955, much to my surprise, my parents gave me a new 2367 Wabash F3 to pull the Lionel aluminum passenger cars making up my Post War "Blue Bird"


I ordered this knowing most of the issues you mention which also included a dynamic brake fan that neither Wabash, nor Santa Fe had on their units.  


But the windshield is outrageous.  It's a simple casting.  I've studied the windshield on the 5 sets of Lionel Standard O Santa Fe F3 and F7's I owned.  They got better every year.  Same casting, different paint trim.


This is a relatively new engine for Lionel.  They have done so well over the last 15 years.  How could they have dropped the ball now.  I am surprised.  


Since it won't be part of my model railroad, I won't return it.


BTW Lionel, I would pay more than 2 or 3 dollars for a windshield that fits properly.  I need two.



Originally Posted by TheBigCrabCake:

"It looks like the E8 is wearing "Bi-focals"."


Originally Posted by BigBoy4014:

     "Well, it is an old engine, may be it needs a Bi focal to see well"


Originally Posted by marker:
     "That's it, you named it.  Thanks "TheBigCrabCake" (Emile)"
All Aboard! The Bi-Focal Local is leaving the station! Anyone care to name the stops along this route?
Originally Posted by Bobby Ogage:

That windshield is not a quality control item, it is as engineered. Tooling was made to produce the windshield as you see it. Frankly, take away the closeup perspective and I fail to see the problem.



Bobby, I somewhat agree with you.  Once the engine is on the tracks moving at a scale cruising speed (and considering I need to put on glasses just to be able to respond to your post!) I doubt I will even see the "bifocals" effect.  Even so...  

That windshield is not a quality control item, it is as engineered.

Yes, but poorly designed, and someone always has to sign off on a design before it gets tooled.  After the first sample, it should again be signed off on before it goes into production.  I never said it was a quality control item.  I don't know where you got that.   

Frankly, take away the closeup perspective and I fail to see the problem.

My picture was a close up to isolate the issue.  


I can see it from 4 feet away, and thats with the interior lights off.  Turn the lights on and it is more obvious.   I shouldn't have to stand 5 feet away to look at the engine and on see the problem.


I can't understand how people defend mistakes.  


And BTW, I need new glasses for my 68 year old eyes.

Last edited by marker
Originally Posted by marker:

That windshield is not a quality control item, it is as engineered.

Yes, but poorly designed, and someone always has to sign off on a design before it gets tooled.  After the first sample, it should again be signed off on before it goes into production.  I never said it was a quality control item.  I don't know where you got that.   

Quality is a journey, not a destination. 


It starts at the beginning of the process, (meaning the engineering specs) and continues all the way through the manufacturing process all the way to the end user.



Originally Posted by Rusty Traque:
Originally Posted by marker:

That windshield is not a quality control item, it is as engineered.

Yes, but poorly designed, and someone always has to sign off on a design before it gets tooled.  After the first sample, it should again be signed off on before it goes into production.  I never said it was a quality control item.  I don't know where you got that.   

Quality is a journey, not a destination. 


It starts at the beginning of the process, (meaning the engineering specs) and continues all the way through the manufacturing process all the way to the end user.



Its merely a gross mistake, since Lionel has gotten E unit windshield correct in the past.


This is akin the the rear steps that were so rediculously out of alignment with the shell on the first Legacy GP30's. No excuse here either as previous TMCC GP 30's had the steps done correctly.


We're familiar with the parts and service folks, railsounds guy, tech officer, production manager, and product planner at Lionel.


Whos the "detail/ accuracy/ final inspection" guy????

Originally Posted by marker:
I can see it from 4 feet away, and thats with the interior lights off.  Turn the lights on and it is more obvious.   I shouldn't have to stand 5 feet away to look at the engine and on see the problem.


I can't understand how people defend mistakes.  


And BTW, I need new glasses for my 68 year old eyes.

Howard, I can obviously only speak for myself here, but I truly appreciate it when people like you bring issues like this one to our attention here on the please keep doing it!


As for how or why people get defensive when these issues are brought to life in this public Forum...


I'm convinced that there are several (many, maybe) extreme brand loyalists among us who simply do not like it when we talk about "their" brand in any sort of way that may be construed as "negative".  Extreme sensitivity if you will, almost like you are attacking them personally.


These folks would rather us handle any such "complaints", if at all, directly with the manufacturer--off-line, and far away from this Forum.  Or sometimes they want you to just accept it as is, or fix it yourself...even if you've just spent hundreds...or a thousand + on the item.  But whatever you do, don't talk about it here!


Well IMO, that's a bunch of hooey!  I for one WANT to know about these types of manufacturer mistakes, and as soon as possible.  This is the real-world product-review information that if not discussed in an open forum setting like this one, some of us would never know about unless we actually purchased the item ourselves.  We all know that the catalog images aren't always accurate.


There have even been a few occasions when these mistakes were significant enough to influence my purchase decision, so for that reason alone I'm extremely grateful for this info being shared here!


Thanks again...and keep up the good work.  And please let us know if you get any response from the manufacturer.

Last edited by CNJ #1601
Originally Posted by marker:

That windshield is not a quality control item, it is as engineered.

Yes, but poorly designed, and someone always has to sign off on a design before it gets tooled.  After the first sample, it should again be signed off on before it goes into production.  I never said it was a quality control item.  I don't know where you got that.   

Frankly, take away the closeup perspective and I fail to see the problem.

My picture was a close up to isolate the issue.  


I can see it from 4 feet away, and thats with the interior lights off.  Turn the lights on and it is more obvious.   I shouldn't have to stand 5 feet away to look at the engine and on see the problem.


I can't understand how people defend mistakes.  


And BTW, I need new glasses for my 68 year old eyes.

Can't understand how people defend mistakes?

It's the "Emperor's New Clothes Syndrome". Some people are so blinded by the name "Lionel"*, that they don't care what they get for their money. Just put "Made By Lionel" on it and you'll have your answer.


Witness the 18" passenger car stick on windows. People will go to their grave defending those cars. One prominent reviewer wouldn't even point them out as he was noting a properly done window less than two inches away on the same car in the same screenview.


It's sad to say that the "Idontcare's" have us outnumbered. And, it is going to take someone high up with a strong sense of integrity to bring about a change.


While the basis of this thread is about Lionel, Lionel is by no means meant to be singled out in the conversation. Recent events that have come to light involve other well established manufacturers that have been lax in the quality of their design and should be held accountable for their actions.

As stated it is NOT a QC issue......not like 20% of the windows had this issue and the rest didn't.......

It was a tooling issue that someone OK'd or didn't see it as an issue. Not owning one I can't say much.....but things like this are done to save cost often....or done when there is a tolerance issue. Maybe the original windshield interfered with other parts?? Not endorsing it....but may have just been a cheap fix to an issue.  

It is a TWO WAY Street!!!!


There have been many GOOD reviews about many Lionel products, these reviews most certainly have caused more sales...


The opposite is true, so May be it balances out over all. As a matter of fact, the brand loyalists, as mentioned before, may outnumber the truth seekers


So overall, Lionel wins!!!!!

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